Ciranko was pretty prominent on the JW broadcasts, did several of those "morning worship" videos that were posted there. He was on not that long ago.
Didn't the WTS fully & completely lock down all Bethel facilities, at least in the US? No tours, no visits, no Bethelites allowed to leave the compound. No one in or out. The idea was to keep COVID-19 out of Bethel.
Article mentions that 12 people had contact with him and are isolated. Who did those 12 have contact with? Are they isolated too?
If the corona virus got into the Bethel compound anyway, and hundreds or thousands of Bethelites were freely mixing thinking that it was safe, there may well be hundreds of cases there in a week or two (well, those cases would be there now, but would not be symptomatic for a while yet).
EDIT: Just noticed that the article is from April 27. So if there are COVID cases in Bethel, it ought to be very apparent by now.