Fink, those comments are in really bad taste.
Ciranko had family & friends.
Have you read how COVID affects human bodies? No one "deserves" to die like that, and calling it "good news" is ghoulish to say the least.
watchtower president dies of covid-19. .
Fink, those comments are in really bad taste.
Ciranko had family & friends.
Have you read how COVID affects human bodies? No one "deserves" to die like that, and calling it "good news" is ghoulish to say the least.
watchtower president dies of covid-19. .
Ciranko was pretty prominent on the JW broadcasts, did several of those "morning worship" videos that were posted there. He was on not that long ago.
Didn't the WTS fully & completely lock down all Bethel facilities, at least in the US? No tours, no visits, no Bethelites allowed to leave the compound. No one in or out. The idea was to keep COVID-19 out of Bethel.
Article mentions that 12 people had contact with him and are isolated. Who did those 12 have contact with? Are they isolated too?
If the corona virus got into the Bethel compound anyway, and hundreds or thousands of Bethelites were freely mixing thinking that it was safe, there may well be hundreds of cases there in a week or two (well, those cases would be there now, but would not be symptomatic for a while yet).
EDIT: Just noticed that the article is from April 27. So if there are COVID cases in Bethel, it ought to be very apparent by now.
i am just curious if anyone knows whether the "friends" still are required to wear "meeting clothes" for attending meetings through zoom?
such emphasis on dressing in a godly manner over the decades, would be interesting if some attend in pajamas or their work clothes, no makeup, etc....
Roughly 1/3 of the participants I've seen on these Zoom meetings join without their own video camera on.
I'm quite certain at least 90% of those are in various states of casual dress/undress, or lying in bed, or eating, or drinking, or playing video games....
...or maybe all of those at once.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
hi guys,.
it's been a while since i posted here, but i feel like posting again.. it's hard sometimes to find the energy to post here after i expend all my time working a full time job and pretending i care about the wt$ at the same time.. i've been trying to slowly wake my girlfriend up ever since i first posted here, and i must say it is a long waiting game that i am playing right now.
almost all my efforts are dismissed and i've been slowly losing hope.. anyways, what i meant to really post here today is about old publications.. honestly anything that has to do with the watchtower and jdubs, as of recently makes me feel like vomiting.
How old is "old"?
Stuff from the 40s & later is pretty common, might as well just pitch it.
Stuff from the 30's & earlier might have some collector value, could be sold for a few dollars to perhaps hundreds of dollars.
Oh, and by the way, "shedding light on contradictory teachings" will change approximately, oh, let's see, about 0% of JW true believers. Google "cognitive dissonance" if you are unfamiliar with the term.
the old Twilight Zone episode "How to serve Humans"
If you're gonna be a TZ geek, geek correctly!
Episode was titled "To Serve Man".
What they don't tell you is that on the way, the plane crashes on the island of "Lost".
just saw this on the news tonight.
england has come up with a covid vaccine at the oxford university.
india wants to start using it in a couple of months.
Are there anybody on this forum who is knoweldgeable enough with expertise in this area to make
an informed opinion as to the effectiveness if any ,this drug has on the virus ?
I'm certainly no expert, but there's 2 new studies reported on in the JAMA and NEJM:
A new study -- the largest of its kind -- shows that hydroxychloroquine, the drug touted by President Trump, does not work against Covid-19 and could cause heart problems.
The study was published Monday in the Journal of the American Medical Association. It follows a study published Thursday in the New England Journal of Medicine that also showed the drug doesn't fight the virus.
i am just curious if anyone knows whether the "friends" still are required to wear "meeting clothes" for attending meetings through zoom?
such emphasis on dressing in a godly manner over the decades, would be interesting if some attend in pajamas or their work clothes, no makeup, etc....
Well, they are "dressed up" from the waist up, the part that shows on the Zoom screen.
All bets are off below the waist, though. I think there are more than a few shorts, yoga pants, etc.
....that a mass killer was roaming their streets.
now theyre struggling to believe the grim reaper is not so grim and it's safe to go outside again..
the fit & healthy were put under house arrest. Absolute lunacy!
I can't wrap my head around comments like this.
It's been 2 frig-wigging MONTHS that we've known about asymptomatic carriers fer gawd's sake.
How is it possible that breathing creatures with an IQ at least in double-digits haven't heard that "fit & healthy" persons can be asymptomatic carriers and, if wandering about in crowds, can infect dozens or hundreds of other people in a matter of hours?
Is it ignorance? Short attention span? Intentional cruelty? Abject neanderthal stupidity? SMDH
i'm sure there's already topics on this but i couldn't find one so i'm starting my own.
is the kingdom hall scheduling program new?
is this where they are entering all of the members data now?
Cell phone carrier?
No one needs to know that. Something fishy there.