Not all of the Romanian breakaways decided to return:
Odd, wonder why Losch decided not to talk about them?
he talks about how a group of 5,000 broke away from the organization due to distrust of government agents infiltrating the jws.
they weren't regarded as apostates, just distrustful.
he uses phrases like "their leader" and "his elders", and how they had a meeting with the governing body and made the decision for all these thousands to reintegrate them into the jws, splitting them up among congregations.
Not all of the Romanian breakaways decided to return:
Odd, wonder why Losch decided not to talk about them?
i guess it's the covid-19 thing.
but very little news from a couple of people i know well there.
they can't leave the "compound" or much of anything else.
I've heard they can't socialize inside either - can't visit other couples' rooms, can't get together in groups. Maybe they can walk around outside if socially distant, not really sure about that.
That's gotta be driving them crazy.
being this way until possibly September or October.
That's probably right about when the 2nd wave begins.
Or, what seems increasingly likely, there will be no "2nd wave" - there are so many nitwits endangering their own lives and the lives of others that it's just going to be one long, continuous wave.
In any event, I don't see Bethel returning to "normal" for at least a year, probably longer.
the point of the letter was how many are feeling disappointed these days.. no circuit assembly, convention, how we can't fellowship at the k.h.
disappointed we might have had a love one die, etc etc.
he then goes on to write about how disappointed jehovah must have felt when his first human creation rebelled.
Door to door field serve-us almost certainly won't resume this year, and frankly next year looks rather iffy as well.
It's going to be dang-near impossible to motivate JWs to get out and knock on doors again when it is finally relatively safe enough to do so.
Can't wait for the "encouraging" letters when that day comes!
on tuesday, the george floyd funeral took place.. "on wednesday, texas reported its highest single-day increase in diagnoses since the start of the pandemic, with 2,504 new cases, more than twice as many reported the previous day.
" source,
just my unprofessional take -- some 30 to 40 percent of attendees did not wear masks.. check for yourself, snippets of video footage, george floyd funeral..
@FedUpJW ...
I say go for it.
I would be tempted to agree, but how many people will he infect and possibly kill before he himself keels over?
on tuesday, the george floyd funeral took place.. "on wednesday, texas reported its highest single-day increase in diagnoses since the start of the pandemic, with 2,504 new cases, more than twice as many reported the previous day.
" source,
just my unprofessional take -- some 30 to 40 percent of attendees did not wear masks.. check for yourself, snippets of video footage, george floyd funeral..
I assume you didn't know that symptoms for COVID-19 take anywhere from 2-14 days to appear, rather than just one day.
There will likely be a spike from the funeral, but it will probably occur next week or even the week after.
This week's spike is probably, almost certainly, a result of people mixing in public far more than usual over Memorial day weekend.
It's not rocket science folks. Wear a mask.
lately that’s all i’ve been hearing about!
i’m sick and tired of listening to white people begging for forgiveness simply because they are white.
in a nearby town, a six year old girl asked her mom, “ why don’t we have a black lives matter march here?
it may be time for a new civil war.
Make sure you build some cannon factories. Maybe next time y'all can win!
waterhead sharpton is a racist, conman and idiot who can hardly speak.
but pmsnbc and other groups push him off as some kind or intellectual good guy.
Al Sharpton affects my life by approximately 0 iotas.
I suspect he has a similar impact on your life, other than expressing thoughts which you disagree with.
If "reading thoughts that I disagree with" were my trigger point, I'd have left this site long ago
Here's what helps me to cope when I read, see, or hear something particularly vile:
Half the people in this country in this country have below-average intelligence. And "average intelligence" ain't all that bright. So it's not surprising that, say, 40% of the population support a politician, or point of view, or principle, while the rest of us say "WTAF?"
Do what you can to make the world a better place. Don't beat your brains out trying to convince those who are unable to understand. Breathe deep and enjoy the sunsets.
Anyway, that's what works for me. YMMV
waterhead sharpton is a racist, conman and idiot who can hardly speak.
but pmsnbc and other groups push him off as some kind or intellectual good guy.
You seem to be triggered a lot lately. Is everything OK?
sometimes new situations can provide cover for one’s mistakes or intentions.
for example, suppose that i crack the windshield in my dad’s car one night.
i go home, park the car in its usual spot in the yard, and go to bed without telling my dad because i’m scared and i’m trying to think of a way out of the situation.
Seems like it would be appealing financially, but the organization values control and power more than money.
There is no practical way to exercise power and control over adherents in an "e-religion".
There may well be some permanent changes, but meeting together as a congregation, and interaction between elders & rank and file, will continue as it always has, in some manner.
i remember when i was young an article we studied that stated something to the effect that, religions or other people have at times set dates or tried to set dates using chronology but that those were deemed false prophets.... can anyone point me to any or multiple articles or quotes that can help me in my fight with my parents?
i'm battling the 1914 generation change at the moment.
JWFacts website as tons of stuff, including WT "literature" references.
Here is the section on "Generation":
One of my favorite arguments:
Even the masthead of the Awake! changed with this new teaching. Until 1995, it said: "This magazine builds confidence in the Creator's promise of a peaceful and secure new world before the generation that saw the events of 1914 pass away."
This was changed in November 1995 to: "This magazine builds confidence in the Creator's promise of a peaceful and secure new world that is about to replace the present wicked, lawless system of things."
The Watchtower published, 24 times a year, for literally decades, that the "creator's promise..." would occur "...before the generation that saw the events of 1914 passes away."
Obviously anyone who "saw the events of 1914" would have to be at least 110 years old today. There are estimated to be 150 - 600 such persons alive on earth today. Another couple of years and the number will be in single digits, or all will be dead.
Ask your debating opponent, "The magazine said Jehovah promised a new world before the generation that saw the events of 1914 passed away. The new world is not here. So did Jehovah break his promise?" Of course they have to answer "No".
Follow up with "So, Jehovah didn't make such a promise. What should Jehovah do to an organization that printed, literally hundreds of times across many decades, words that made it look like the creator broke his promise? They spoke lies and attributed them to Jehovah. That is the definition of a false prophet. What should happen to a false prophet?"