There once was a jw called Jackson
who had an unusual attraction
Another called Michael being quite diabolical
shared Jackson's attraction to young action
there once was a man from down under,who's speech was thought of like thunder,.
but when pops came dow ill,.
geoff flew in with a pill.
There once was a jw called Jackson
who had an unusual attraction
Another called Michael being quite diabolical
shared Jackson's attraction to young action
mon 3 (cont) fri 7 .
public hearing: case study 29 into jehovah's witnesses, sydney.
These guys have been coached. All claim to have not read the material sent by the RC. All claim to know nothing about the RC despite it being covered in all media in Oz.
All are claiming poor memory but then can recall points of how the "society" assisted in these cases (in detail).
I agree with Ozman. The wt lawyers are only keeping their arguement to "We were only following the law back as it was when these cases came up." and "We are now at the cutting edge of religious organisations who protect children." In other words they are not liable for compensation from the cases highlighted by the Commission.
It's all about the bucks and The Chief Justice and Angus Stewart know that.They are laying careful foundations for a compensation case e.g. why they destroyed that "expert" witness and why they are hammering each elder to admit that they didn't follow legal procedure on the say of the branch and the wider wt material.
much has already been written about dr monica applewhite, the expert witness hired by the jw organization.
her job was to provide "expert" testimony to the australian commission of inquiry into jehovsh's witnesses' policies and practices on child sexual abuse.
astonishingly, dr applewhite was unprepared for the inquiry lawyers' questions.
I enjoyed the way Mr Stuart slowly, carefully and accurately pulled her CV apart. It was all fluff and bubble.
But what I cannot get my head around is that as a Doctor in her professed field, she didn't reference her conclusions. Justice McClelland stopped proceedings and took her to task saying the statement was purely personal opinion and considering she is speaking for the jws, inadmissable.
i am currently having to spend a little time waiting for an appointment in the vicinity of a central london station.
whilst waiting i am catching up on some work in a cafe.
i can see a couple of trolleys and have been watching them for around an hour now.. not one person has stopped to take literature.
Interesting that the jws who take the bible so literally have now decided to ease back on christs command to go door to door and into people's homes.
Many yrs ago on this site I predicted that jws were slowly heading mainstream and sure enough the blood "issue" has since been radically eased, the urgency of the end times has been eased, the ban on the internet has backflipped, the generation of the last days has basically disappeared and finally preaching has been downgraded to signs on kingdom halls saying go to and passively sitting behind a desk checking facebook and chatting with friends.
while researching a comment on the long-running naga rebellion in india, i came across this charming image.
a woman wearing a burqua (so obviously muslim) walks her son to school.
its described as being a festival day, so the boy is dressed as the lord krishna.. from the indian newsnation:
While travelling in India I found the Muslims almost over the top friendly to me as a stranger, always asking me to tea at their homes. Religious tolerance, actually tolerance is a poor word as it relates to tolerate, India celebrates religious interaction. As one (Hindu)sage said to me, god is like a lampshade with many holes in it. Every one looks through a different hole but it is all from the same source.
It is only the fanatics on all sides that fuel the hate filled violence.
i think he would definitely diagnose him with a extremely violent form of narcissism, lugging around a huge shadow of denial, which makes him petty and homophobic, and those 100,000 animal sacrifice orgies he so very much enjoys are a sign of a serious greedy glutton.
no doubt this voracious hunger for burnt flesh of lowly animals stems from the energy need after he experiences a uncontrollable bursts of anger creating a vicious cycle he can not break free of so that the only thing that can save him and turn him less violent is a human sacrifice from his heavenly son incarnate to quell his terrible anger.. maybe some form of oedipus complex too?.
dear members,.
i am an investigative journalist with the australian public broadcaster, the abc.
we are currently gathering information from members of the jehovah's witnesses who experienced sexual abuse as children and adolescents in australia.
Hello Joel
This being a basically U.S. site it may take a few hrs to get a decent response. Good luck with it and may I say you could have your hands full as the JW's are rife with pedeophiles but they also have a very slick legal team esp in Australia who are very careful with their wording and media statements. Dig deep pls
i really enjoy hearing about other people's lives.
feeling a little lonely this evening so please tell me if you have plans for the summer months.
i may go to some outdoor theatre with my daughter who's home from uni; with a picnic and a bottle of wine.
i have an oldish phone - a samsung galaxy s3.
i don't feel the need for anything faster or better because i don't use it a ton.
i hardly ever call anyone or have anyone call me and it's mostly used for emergency remote access to the forum, to play the odd game and to text the kids to let them know i'm picking them up or they want to be picked up from somewhere (maybe i should sign up as an uber driver?
the devouring mother must be always listen to and obeyed it is the negative side of the anima image and it rules over the watchtower corporation.
jehovah(corporation's imaginary sock puppet) is the father figure with his masculine macho swagger he gains victory over every detractor and his huge narcissistic personality demands exclusive devotion from everyone or it's the death penalty, he suffers from an inflated ego and has a very dark and evil shadow due to denial of his dark nature/satan(scape goat).
the children or rank and file pee on dedicated members of the corporation must now engage in worthless pursuits to satisfy a mood swinging domineering mother and a murderous self righteous father all the while being shown a very contemptible form of conditional love, accompanied with constant death threat reminders and a carrot on a sting to keep them focused on such and busy with worthless pursuits for a hopeless cause.