Catholics are more works oriented and Protestants recognize works as evidence of faith but not grace.
Eph. 2.8,9
Actually, this is a common misconception of Catholic belief. Protestants often refer to the Catholic concept of "merit." In reality, Catholics and Protestants approach the faith/works controversy from different angles but in the final analysis are saying the same thing. See this link from the Catechism (sections 2006-2011):
In Catholic theology all "merit" (any reward owed us for our actions)is all a gift of God. St Augustine said: "Our merits are God's gifts." St Therese of Lisieux said:
"After earth's exile, I hope to go and enjoy you in the fatherland, but I do not want to lay up merits for heaven. I want to work for your love alone....In the evening of this life, I shall appear before you with empty hands, for I do not ask you, Lord, to count my works. All our justice [righteousness] is blemished in your eyes. I wish then, to be clothed in your own justice [righteousness] and to receive from your love the eternal possession of yourself."