freedom96, I find it very difficult to believe that a child aged 9-18 would not say anything after having seen anything even remotely resembling a ghost, especially when the entity was at least on one occasion with them in the bathroom. I also find it difficult to believe that an entity that passes through walls would be capable of standing on a particular level of floor or to make audible footsteps.
Posts by Jeffro
So how do you explain this....
by loosie ini didn't want to hi jack this thread..
but i wanted to open this up for discussion.
since being raised a jw, everything unexplainable has been attributed to demons.
Strange happenings on the JWDF...
by sonnyboy infor some reason, when i click on my user name i'm not getting the usual screen (with post history, profile, etc).
inistead, it's opening up in dreamweaver.
i'm assuming that simon used this program to create the site.. is this happening to anyone else (at least anyone who has dreamweaver installed on their computers)?
It sounds as though you may have an improper file association or plug-in in your web browser settings for ashx files to open with Dreamweaver instead of the browser. If that is the cause, the exact solution depends on what web browser you're using. It will only be a local copy of the file being opened, so despite any aspirations to alter the site, that is extraordinarily unlikely. It is not relevant whether the pages were originally created in Dreamweaver or not.
Do You Think Bag Searching Violates Your Rights?
by minimus inin view of the transit bombings, do you feel that police should be able to search you or your bags at anytime?
What's next. If someone wants to do damage in a public place they will do it. Searches will not deter a determined bomber. I think it's overkill. If it would stop these nut jobs then i would welcome searches. It will not, so yes i think it violates peoples rights.
If a fence or barrier is put up near the edge of a cliff, perhaps a lookout, it will stop a lot of people from falling. But there is still a chance that someone may get past the barrier and fall off the cliff... so do we give up putting up such barriers altogether because they don't work? Afterall, people have a right to go wherever they like, right? No, we accept the benefit of the safety measure for reducing the risk.
So how do you explain this....
by loosie ini didn't want to hi jack this thread..
but i wanted to open this up for discussion.
since being raised a jw, everything unexplainable has been attributed to demons.
Well I now have a newfound appreciation for LittleToe's sense of humour anyway. The scary thing is that sometimes people do post such things as his humoristic piece in all seriousness so it really is sometimes difficult to separate the chaff from... the other chaff.
Is it at all spooky that when I checked this thread the last post was by 'rem' and I just happened to be listening to "It's The End Of The World As We Know It" by REM? Obviously the demons planned it that way. -
So how do you explain this....
by loosie ini didn't want to hi jack this thread..
but i wanted to open this up for discussion.
since being raised a jw, everything unexplainable has been attributed to demons.
Okay, did anyone else get the gist of LittleToe's jibe?
Apparently I completely missed its satirical nature and became confused by its lack of logic and continuity. -
Do you secretly wish for a demon attack - serious question
by stillajwexelder in.
i am not trying to compete with fmz as he has a supernatural thread going already but - do you secretlyt wish for a demon attack - serious question - the reason i ask this is because - if i had a demon attack it would mean there was a satan the devil and if there was a satan it would mean there was god.
what i am trying to say in a nutshell is "a demon attack would actually strengthen my faith" where at the moment it is non-existent almost
As scientific knowledge has increased through the ages, surprise surprise, the frequency of reported 'demon' stories has decreased. Many supposed cases of demonic possession through the ages could be explained by hysteria or by drug induced states, by ingestion of substances such as ergot (a fungus that grows on rye) that has effects very similar to LSD.
That aside, assuming a 'demon attack' type event occurred, on what basis would you know it to be a 'demon' rather than other fictional entities such as an alien, a ghost, or David Hasselhoff's acting career. -
So how do you explain this....
by loosie ini didn't want to hi jack this thread..
but i wanted to open this up for discussion.
since being raised a jw, everything unexplainable has been attributed to demons.
And thus, in your rush to hit the skeptics' apologetic bandwagon, you missed the point of the complete post. Should I have added a few emoticons, just for you?
You stated some things as 'facts' that were not factual, and then criticized me for indicating such. You then stated that I missed your point, but did not indicate what that point was that I missed. Just what then was your original point if it were something other than what might reasonably be inferred from your initial comments?
So how do you explain this....
by loosie ini didn't want to hi jack this thread..
but i wanted to open this up for discussion.
since being raised a jw, everything unexplainable has been attributed to demons.
Sorry, Jeffro, but my post and quotes imply that while I'm dealing with irrefutable scientific facts, you're dealing with speculation brought on by cognitive dissonance. Kindly reread and reassess my post and attempt to get the point this time!
Some of the 'irrefutable scientific facts' you claim to state are neither scientific nor factual.
It's a scientific fact that it breaks the mind of skeptics who experience such things, leading to them being medicated up to the eyeballs by Psychiatrists. This proves conclusively that believers have the superior minds, as they have the flexibility in their worldview/framework, to tolerate such occurances.
You provide no basis for the 'scientific fact' that skeptics go insane after having experienced 'such things'. Apparently this forms the 'conclusive proof' that 'believers' are superior to non-believers. The class of people that makes up 'believers' is quite broad and the concepts in which some of them believe in some cases reduces and in other cases, precludes the possibility of phenomenon believed by other believers. It is irrational to suggest that as a class they are superior to non-believers, as at least some believers in the paranormal are quite definitely delusional.
Those skeptics who deride others for their views are the small (but very vocal) minority
On what is this claim of minority based?
It also shows that evolution had clear reasons for evolving a "God-bit" section of the human brain, and that in the poor unfortunate throwbacks who didn't retain use of it are likely to be weeded out by natural selection.
Shall I assume that this is another one of your 'facts'?
In previous generations they would have become the family pet, and been left drooling in the corner rocking-chair, eating their own feet.
At least this was good for a laugh.
Generic thread about supernatural
by FMZ in(event which happened to me that i do not feel that science can explain).
(asking for other possible explanations)
I feel that there are somethings that science can never explain, things that does not leave a trace, science can only prove things that leaves a trace or a hint, supernatural is a power pass our human knowledge and power, only religion has some grasp and understanding of it, but science cannot prove everything!
There is a difference between something that is 'unexplainable' and something that is 'supernatural'. The supernatural is largely the stuff of mythology and folklore, some of which has been perpetuated into the modern age. Science is about forming hypotheses and testing them to establish if a postulation is true. By that definition, something need not leave a trace to be subject to scientific analysis. It simply needs to be observable (and/or repeatable). By that token, if something is observable, those witnessing it have a record of it in their mind, and in that vane, a trace is left.
Do You Think Bag Searching Violates Your Rights?
by minimus inin view of the transit bombings, do you feel that police should be able to search you or your bags at anytime?
People like to complain. They complain about their rights being taken away if the authorities want to conduct more searches. And if there's a terrorist attack, they complain about the authorities not doing enough to prevent such tragedies. What's it to be, people?
There are many risks in life. To a degree, many risks can be mitigated or minimized by our being cautious and responsible for our actions. We can take reasonable steps to reduce our risks of being struck by lightning, having our clothes catch fire, drowning in the bathtub, falling off a ladder, overheating, freezing to death, drowning or getting hit by a train.
Some things are a little less in our control. Short of avoiding public places, we can reduce our risk of dying in a terrorist attack by not whinging about our rights being taken away when the authorities want to do something that will reduce our chance of being in a lot of pain or dead as a result of an explosive device.