Global warming is another sham
The term 'global warming' is a gross over-simplification.
climate change is a legitimate concern - especially as it affects poor nations.
however, the subject has been twisted by greedy global elites resulting in disappointments (if you wish to call them that!
Global warming is another sham
The term 'global warming' is a gross over-simplification.
climate change is a legitimate concern - especially as it affects poor nations.
however, the subject has been twisted by greedy global elites resulting in disappointments (if you wish to call them that!
Witness 007:
We are way overdue for another iceage.
We are technically still in an ice age.
remember the tacoma dome parking scandal?.
it was reported a few years ago that the wt would charge witnesses for parking at the tacoma dome even though the contract with the dome stated that no parking charges were to be made.
of course the people in the kingdom halls were not told that, only reminded to be sure to pay for their parking!.
Some JW district conventions in Australia have required the purchase ('contribution') for a 'parking ticket' for convention parking. I don't know whether there was any cost charged by the venue.
should a female publisher wear a headcovering if she is accompanied by a male publisher at a door step bible study?
when a female publisher conducts a regular ,scheduled bible study and a male kingdom publisher is present, she should wear a head covering.(1cor.
11:3-10)the july 15, 2002 issue of the watchtower, page 27, explains: this is a pre arranged session of teaching where the one conducting the study actually presides.
Hilarious. When I was in high school and had to go to JW "religious instruction" classes, one of the students was baptised, so the 'sister' had to run the class with a 'head covering'.
Almost as funny as this:
every now and then i check statistics for my 607-related articles.
recently, someone has searched for "vat 4956 watchtower", so i went to google to see where my site comes up in the page ranking.. the first entry in the search results is a reference to the watchtower online library, with a reference to their 2011 attempt at defending their doctrine.. and immediately below it is a link to my rebuttal of the same article.
some other actual google searches people have made to get to my site where my pages are in the first page of google's results:.
I was just checking visitor logs for my '607' articles.
Today I got my first ever visitor from Botswana, via a Google Search from (Google South Africa). after this new light came out in the watchtower study over the weekend...a couple questions:.
1. why is the year 1914 still relevant to the doctrine?.
2. what would the effects be in they were to ever drop the 1914 teaching in the future (let's say 20 years from now)?.
I and DATA-DOG explained exactly how they could drop 1914. It's a great myth on this forum that 1919 is *based* on 1914 in any concrete way. I try to point this out every time the topic comes up, but no one ever responds to my posts, or seems to even see them.
Won't happen any time soon. The would need to change several details in their current eschatology to separate 1919 from 1914, and even then their claims that we are in the 'last days' would become even more tenuous than they already are. They desperately cling to 1914 because something significant happened in that year. Sure, it was the wrong thing in the wrong month, but it was something.
It is not merely a 'myth on this forum' that 1919 is derived from 1914. The Watch Tower Society applies the periods of 42 months and 1,260 days (both 3½ years) at Revelation 11:2-3 to their preaching work during World War I from December 1914 to May 1918, after which they apply the 3½ days of Revelation 11:11 figuratively to the period of imprisonment of the Watch Tower Society directors in 1918. They believe that after their release from prison in 1919 that they were approved as Jesus' 'slave class'. This is part of what they call the 'plagues on Christendom' starting from Revelation chapter 8, which they explicitly link with Jesus' 'enthronement' in 1914.
See Revelation—Its Grand Climax at Hand!, chapter 25.
i'm still determined not to vote - just to write something unpleasant about pollies on the ballot paper.
if i lived in victoria, i just may, as an act of sheer bastardry, vote for julian assange (of wikileaks fame), but i don't live in vic, so i cant.. my objection to voting is that the political choice offers two self-perpetuating oligarchies (who are something like the governing body).
they make up a slate of candidates and election advertising consists of attempting to persuade swinging voters to vote for their slate of candidates.. anyway, i noted that k.rudd has made a video in chinese, aimed apparently at mainland china.
Frazzled UBM:
You guys still arguing the big humanist vs realist debate on boat people
Not really. I'm a realist, and mP certainly isn't a humanist. I correctly stated that international factors independent from Australian immigration policy affected the number of refugees in 2009 and mP misdirected focus to the alleged motives of refugees. He then decided I must be Sri Lankan. It's not much of a 'debate' against his brand of 'logic'.
i'm still determined not to vote - just to write something unpleasant about pollies on the ballot paper.
if i lived in victoria, i just may, as an act of sheer bastardry, vote for julian assange (of wikileaks fame), but i don't live in vic, so i cant.. my objection to voting is that the political choice offers two self-perpetuating oligarchies (who are something like the governing body).
they make up a slate of candidates and election advertising consists of attempting to persuade swinging voters to vote for their slate of candidates.. anyway, i noted that k.rudd has made a video in chinese, aimed apparently at mainland china.
I bet your SriLankan , and thats why you focus on Sl and cant be bothered to mention Afhganistan.
You didnt formally deny it. Its very strange you never address why Afghans come after 2009 and never before. Tehre must be a personal connection there.
Your paranoid assumptions are bordering on psychotic. I'm not wasting any more time on you. Do your own damn research.
i'm still determined not to vote - just to write something unpleasant about pollies on the ballot paper.
if i lived in victoria, i just may, as an act of sheer bastardry, vote for julian assange (of wikileaks fame), but i don't live in vic, so i cant.. my objection to voting is that the political choice offers two self-perpetuating oligarchies (who are something like the governing body).
they make up a slate of candidates and election advertising consists of attempting to persuade swinging voters to vote for their slate of candidates.. anyway, i noted that k.rudd has made a video in chinese, aimed apparently at mainland china.
Why not arrive on a plane and claim asylum that way? And yes, it does happen.
By far the majority of asylum seekers arrive in Australia by plane. 'Boat people' are highly politicised, but represent a very small proportion of refugees entering Australia.
i'm still determined not to vote - just to write something unpleasant about pollies on the ballot paper.
if i lived in victoria, i just may, as an act of sheer bastardry, vote for julian assange (of wikileaks fame), but i don't live in vic, so i cant.. my objection to voting is that the political choice offers two self-perpetuating oligarchies (who are something like the governing body).
they make up a slate of candidates and election advertising consists of attempting to persuade swinging voters to vote for their slate of candidates.. anyway, i noted that k.rudd has made a video in chinese, aimed apparently at mainland china.
I bet your SriLankan
Yeah, that must be it.