Stand for Pure Worship:
Since leaving the truth, do you celebrity holidays, and does your participation in such bring you happiness?
The leading question is predicated on a false premise, in regard to the use of the subjective use of the words "truth" and "happiness". And "celebrity" isn't a verb.
While I'm thankful to have never participated in such holidays, I can't deny my curiosity about ex-JWs that do celebrate. Do the holidays do anything for you?
Are you genuinely that naive? If you have ever experienced any occasion where family and friends have enjoyed time together, then you should know that such times are pleasant, irrespective of the 'reason'.
SFpw, wow, at least an attempt to be humbly inquisitive. Great.
If only that were the case. There's nothing humble about the question at all. It's supposed to elicit some ethereal drivel about 'true' 'happiness'.