Chronology is all about interpretation and of course so is the Bible.
Interpretation is certainly involved, but it is not the only thing. When an interpretion is internally contradictory, it can be dismissed as wrong. The Watch Tower Society's interpretation contradicts what the Bible actually says about the '70 years', and it contradicts what is known by all secular sources.
You ask what is the correct interpretation? The answer is fairly simple. Which system is the simplest, easy to understand?
The Watch Tower Society's twisted chronology is hardly the 'easiest to understand'. They make stupid claims about a king's 'first' year being when they paid tribute to a particular foreign king. Even worse, they pretend that Nebuchadnezzar's 'first year' is counted from when he conquer's Jerusalem, which has no basis in reality whatsoever. I don't have time to do into the all the elements of the Watch Tower Society's numerology that are downright stupid and hardly 'simple'.
Which system truly recognizes the historicity of the seventy years?
The 70 years were a period during which all the nations were subject to Babylon. That period began when Babylon conquered the previous world power, Assyria. Assyria was destroyed in 609BCE. The Medo-Persian Empire became dominant when it conquered Babylon in 539BCE. All secular sources agree with this period. It is 70 years. The Bible says the nations could serve Babylon in their own land during the 70 years and that exile would be a punishment for refusing to serve Babylon.
Which system provides a consistent or 'cable of chronology going right back to Adam and to Jesus Christ?
Seriously? There's any number of religious sources that suggest different years for the 'creation of Adam', and any of those 'interpretations' are just 'as valid' as that of the Watch Tower Society. 'Adam' never existed! 'Adam' is a story about a golem adapted from earlier Babylonian stories. If you really want to make 607 sound plausible, you really don't want to open the can of worms about 'Adam' being the 'first human' only 6000 years ago.
Which system is cognizant of Bible Prophecy and its fulifillment? Which system has practical value for our day explaining the 'times and the season' leading up to 1914, the birth of God's Kingdom and the 'Last Days'.
'End times' religions always claim that 'Bible prophecies' have 'practical value' for 'our day'. It's their entire basis for scaring people into joining. Charles Taze Russell predicted that Armageddon would begin in October of 1914. It didn't. It wasn't until years later that Rutherford moved the dates for 'God's kingdom' from 1874 to 1914.
The chronology of Jeffro is simply a copy of others combining his own personal spin being antagonistic to the Witnesses. In short, it is a contrivance designed to mislead and deceive the gullible. He has also a website which seeks further to present his nonsense and his own personal interpretations.
My material stands on its merits, and I'm more than happy to take comments or questions on its content. However, 'scholar' can only resort to vague childish insults.
So the decision as to which is correct is one that you must decide.
My chart is fully consistent with valid interpretations of the Bible, and also compatible with the chronology of contemporary nations. The Watch Tower Society's chronology cannot be reconciled with years assigned by scholars for the reigns of kings of Egypt, Babylon & Assyria, which are consistent with each other and consistent with the kings of Judea as shown in my chart. My chart represents how the bible can be seen as consistent with what actually happened. The Watch Tower Society's chronology regarding the '70 years' is not at all what the Bible actually says about 'serving Babylon' and is squarely based on numerological superstition. In short, if I am right, the Watch Tower Society is wrong; and if I am wrong, the Watch Tower Society is still wrong.
I have to be elsewhere now, so I will dispense with your latest pathetic response later.