Looks more like a single rock with a rough surface. Putting the picture next to something that is superficially visually similar is not a valid means of identification.
Posts by Jeffro
Cairns On Mars !
by metatron inhttp://www.marsanomalyresearch.com/evidence-reports/2006/109/spirit-rock-growth.htm.
sometimes it seems like the really cool stuff on mars is always in the distance.
maybe martian celts built it.
JW daughter, sent me a check yesterday...
by jam inthis is the daughter that told me she will never shunn me.. this is the daughter that told me dad, i pray one day you.
will be sitting with us (her family) in the assembly, that one.
day i will come back.. it was a $100.00 check with big bold letters "love you"... i'm going to frame it, she knows i don't need it..she is.
Let her know you framed it. That way you satisfy the wife (the money stays in their pockets) and you have a permanent reminder of her generosity and love.
by Dis-Member inthere are 7,782,346 active publishes in the world.. .
jw.org has received an estimated 7,639,900 visits over the last 30 days.
the number of visits differs from visitors (or unique visitors).
Add to that the number of people on forums such as this one who visit the JW website to find fault with it or to confirm what others have said about inappropriate content. 'Visitors' to a site does not automatically mean 'support'.
It seems to me that this 'campaign' is not so much about only promoting their website, but also (and maybe mainly) to influence the method of getting to their website. They want people to go directly to their website, bypassing search engines that might return 'undesirable' results.
Anyone else notice the new Terms of Use on jw.org?
by leaving_quietly ini first noticed it today... slides up at the bottom.
i wonder why they felt the need to do this?
this is just silly for a religious website..
Despite the slightly alarmist picture of text above, 'JW leaders' always had 'strict legal control' of their copyright material, as is the case with all copyright owners. Motion picture corporations have long included 'legal threats' of prosecution for breach of their copyright, so the kind of statements in Watchtower's terms of use are not unique. The only unusual thing is the way attention is drawn to the terms of use in a manner not typical of websites.
(Why do people create lame pictures of text? And if you're going to do so, do a spell check first, and learn what apostrophes are for!)
Anyone else notice the new Terms of Use on jw.org?
by leaving_quietly ini first noticed it today... slides up at the bottom.
i wonder why they felt the need to do this?
this is just silly for a religious website..
JW GoneBad:
With all the above quoted opinions I like soo many others are at a loss.
The 'quoted opinions' are not particularly confusing.
'Fair Use' is a well-known principle of copyright law allowing for criticism, review, satire, and other usage of portions of copyright material. For this reason, there is no 'threat' to such usage.
The main focus of the 'terms of use' is on using copyright material from the site in exchange for money. The wording doesn't have any impact on typical fair use.
Creating a 'scraper' (software that selectively extracts content from a website) is precluded by the website's terms and conditions, and is not within the bounds of 'fair use'. It's not surprising that such activity might get blocked (though inability to access a site at some point doesn't necessarily 'prove' that an IP was 'officially banned').
Much of the content of their 'terms and conditions' is fairly standard. The disinction is their focus on threatening to block access to the site, and their unusual drawing attention to the terms.
Anyone else notice the new Terms of Use on jw.org?
by leaving_quietly ini first noticed it today... slides up at the bottom.
i wonder why they felt the need to do this?
this is just silly for a religious website..
You obviously haven't read the Bible. The Christian Greek Scriptures™ as well as numerous prophecies about JW.org™ in the Hebrew-Aramaic Scriptures™ clearly state that Jehovah doesn't allow anyone to quote from His official website on any other websites, or else His Holy Spirit™ will move His Earthly Organization™ to sue you.
The Bible evidence is overwhelming when it comes to proving the date January 23, 2008 - the holy date in which Jehovah's website would be launched. If we start with the date when JW.org was first registered, November 28, 1999, we come up with 2989 days between the site being registered and the launch date of the website, which is pretty darn close to 2520. Evidently, this proves that Jehovah's Spirit ™ is moving upon His website and its web designers.Obviously some typos there. Surely you meant:
You obviously haven't read the bible. The christian greek scriptures™ as well as numerous prophecies about JW.ORG™ in the hebrew-aramaic scriptures™ clearly state that jehovah doesn't allow anyone to quote from his Official Website on any other websites, or else his holy spirit™ will move his Earthly Organization™ to sue you.
The bible evidence is overwhelming when it comes to proving the date January 23, 2008 - the holy date in which jehovah's Website would be launched. If we start with the date when JW.ORG was first registered, November 28, 1999, we come up with 2989 days between The Site being registered and the launch date of The Website, which is pretty darn close to 2520. Evidently, this proves that jehovah's spirit ™ is moving upon his Website and Its web designers. -
What Happened to the Religion I Left in 1995?
by JoshJeffries injosh here, new to the board.
glad to know this site is here.. i would not be writing this if it were not 2014. i was a ministerial servant and regular pioneer who left the jehovahs witnesses back in 1995/96, around that time.
i left suddenly, didnt fade away, just left when something clicked one day in my head during the morning shower and made me realize this religion wasnt true.
The New NWT also has several chapters removed as well without anyone noticing...crazy stuff!
Sure. If by 'several chapters', you mean 12 verses from John and 12 verses from Mark.
Anyone else notice the new Terms of Use on jw.org?
by leaving_quietly ini first noticed it today... slides up at the bottom.
i wonder why they felt the need to do this?
this is just silly for a religious website..
zed is dead:
They are obviously not talking about their logo, because their copyright request was denied.
Logos aren't generally protected by copyright. They are trademarked.
The JW.ORG trademark was denied because the site provides services (streamed audio and video) similar to those of JW Player.
Anyone else notice the new Terms of Use on jw.org?
by leaving_quietly ini first noticed it today... slides up at the bottom.
i wonder why they felt the need to do this?
this is just silly for a religious website..
How would this affect if I copy/paste from a document? Is there a way they will know?
The terms of use on the site don't (and in practical terms, can't) preclude fair use, which includes copying text for the purposes of criticism or review. As is the case with all copyrighted material, you can freely copy (and publish) portions of their material sufficient to demonstrate the point of your own accompanying commentary.
Anyone else notice the new Terms of Use on jw.org?
by leaving_quietly ini first noticed it today... slides up at the bottom.
i wonder why they felt the need to do this?
this is just silly for a religious website..
I can see it's time to bring out the smelling salts again.
There's nothing remarkable about a website having terms of use, particularly around the issue of accessing downloadable items that are copyrighted. It falls under the umbrella of intellectual property rights that most countries have legislative policies and laws on. Those who make use of such terms and conditions are required BY LAW to clearly publicise them to minimize inadvertent breaches and as an act of goodwill ( i.e., not be subject to charge of entrapment as in not warning about copyright infringements then suing a party for doing so.)
Now, please take a few nice deep breaths.Sure, it's fairly typical to have terms of use. But most web sites don't have a brightly coloured box sliding in to view drawing attention to their terms of use. That's quite odd.