Hahaha once again a response bereft of any argumentation whatsoever. If you have any sources presenting argumentation for 586, just provide them. However, I am yet to see any argument for 586 that is compatible with a correct understanding of the relevant dating systems. And obviously 607 has been thoroughly debunked to the point that it’s beyond a joke.
Posts by Jeffro
Interesting Find with Chronology
by Kelley959 ini hope this is in the right area.
i've been studying the 2520 days/years 607/587/586 debacle.
for a while now i have felt 1914 was wrong.
144000 and the great multitude
by cmaymann inhellow.
i am studying some material about jehovah’s witness – and i wonder why they think, that the 144.000 from rev 7 should be in heaven, and the great multitude should be on earth.
can anyone give me some argument for this opinion?.
JWs completely misrepresent the 144,000, from who they are to what they do and when. Whilst there is no reason to believe it is actually a real group, the Bible presents quite a different view of the 144,000 to that of JWs. For example, the Bible says it is the ‘great crowd’ who rule as kings and priests for 1,000 years, whereas the 144,000 rule as kings (but not priests) forever.
Interesting Find with Chronology
by Kelley959 ini hope this is in the right area.
i've been studying the 2520 days/years 607/587/586 debacle.
for a while now i have felt 1914 was wrong.
Kelley959’s method, using twelve 360-day years and seven 390-day years per Metonic cycle, results in a period that is 110 days too long per cycle.
Interesting Find with Chronology
by Kelley959 ini hope this is in the right area.
i've been studying the 2520 days/years 607/587/586 debacle.
for a while now i have felt 1914 was wrong.
Interesting Find with Chronology
by Kelley959 ini hope this is in the right area.
i've been studying the 2520 days/years 607/587/586 debacle.
for a while now i have felt 1914 was wrong.
Your methodology for the attempt to expose the calculation of 1914 CE and the 607/586/587 debacle is inapplicable. Celebrated WT scholars in WT publications have shown the difference between calender years such as the Julian and Gregorian and a 'prophetic year' used in the Bible of 360 days of 12 months of 30 days each.. Refer to All Scripture Is Inspired Of God And beneficial, 1963, 1990, p.282, pars. 22,23.
🤦♂️ Kelley959's method (not 'methodology') is indeed invalid, as is yours. The 'explanation' in All Scripture is also wrong, since Babylon didn't actually have a 360 day year. It is just a simplification.
scholar JW emeritus
You misspelled 'meritless'.
Interesting Find with Chronology
by Kelley959 ini hope this is in the right area.
i've been studying the 2520 days/years 607/587/586 debacle.
for a while now i have felt 1914 was wrong.
The Jewish Calendar has 12 months at 30 days, so 360 days a year.
No, they didn't. The Jewish calendar, based on the Babylonian calendar, did not actually have 360 days per year. That is just a simplification. They had 353, 354 or 355 days in a common year or 383, 384 or 385 days in years with an additional month.
But every 19 year cycle (cycle is important in this), there are seven extra months added, so seven years have a "leap month" for lack of a better terminology.
The regular Metonic cycle was only adopted about 100 years after the Neo-Babylonian period. During the Neo-Babylonian period, the additional month was ad hoc based on astronomical observations.
So take 360 days times 19 years gives you 6,840 days, plus add another 210 days to give you 7,050 days per cycle.
No. Just, no.
Then for fun, I put in October 1, 1975 and subtracted 935,049. WOAH! Sunday, September 9, 586!
I thought that Fred Franz at one point told a group in a special program, "Something happened in 1975, but we're not telling."
Not only is your approach not valid, but Jerusalem was destroyed in 587 BCE, not 586.
Ah, Jonah. 3 day air supply explained ?Whale sharks gulp down air to float vertically while feeding
by waton inhere from new scientist magazine: .
whale sharks gulp down air to float vertically while feeding.
life 12 may 2021by christa lesté-lasserre.
HowTheBibleWasCreated:I'm an atheist all on here know that and most know I'm a minimalist in biblical research. But in regards to Jesus quoting Jonah. if we assume the texts are true Jesus quotes the Jonah story saying Jonah was in the whale's belly three days and three nights
Except the author of Luke said 'the sign of Jonah' was something entirely different (probably because Matthew's claim isn't even consistent with the 'resurrection story', which has Jesus dead for less than 48 hours).
Regarding the 'sign of Jonah', Luke 11:30, 32 says:
For just as Joʹnah became a sign to the Ninʹe·vites, so will the Son of man be to this generation. ... The men of Ninʹe·veh will rise in the judgment with this generation and will condemn it, because they repented at what Joʹnah preached. But look! something more than Joʹnah is here.
So 'the sign of Jonah' according to Luke alludes to Jonah 'preaching to the Ninevites' and nothing at all to do with piscatorial accommodations or reanimated corpses. At least one of the quotes isn't really 'what Jesus said', let alone whether he meant it literally or not. So it's more likely the anecdotes were entirely made up later.
The author of Matthew, with his Jewish audience, was especially interested in taking things from the Old Testament, and framing them as 'prophecies', often without any basis in the OT that it was ever meant to be considered 'prophetic'.
Ah, Jonah. 3 day air supply explained ?Whale sharks gulp down air to float vertically while feeding
by waton inhere from new scientist magazine: .
whale sharks gulp down air to float vertically while feeding.
life 12 may 2021by christa lesté-lasserre.
Pigs can breathe oxygen via their rectum, so humans probably can too
It's all becoming clear... maybe Awake! has been delayed while researching this new and exciting proof of Jonah. 🤣 Resplendent! -
Ah, Jonah. 3 day air supply explained ?Whale sharks gulp down air to float vertically while feeding
by waton inhere from new scientist magazine: .
whale sharks gulp down air to float vertically while feeding.
life 12 may 2021by christa lesté-lasserre.
Jesus referenced the Jonah Story , so the Gospels say, but did he view it as Literal and full of facts ?
Matthew 12:40 suggests that 'the sign of Jonah' supposedly meant Jesus would be dead "for three days and three nights", which contradicts the amount of time between Jesus' death and resurrection according to the 'gospels' (Luke 11:30 & 32 tries to 'rescue' this flaw by reframing 'the sign of Jonah' as something else). So there is indeed very little about either story that can be taken literally.
Awake Magazine - No Longer Being Printed?
by JWTom insomeone made reference in another post that the awake magazine had ceased publication.
maybe i missed it since i have not been on here as much in the last 6 months.
is this true?
JW GoneBad:
Now with the absence of the Awake magazine for the past year
Issue No. 3 of Awake! from 2020 is described as the "November/December 2020" issue, so it hasn't actually been a year. Issue No. 1 for 2021 would be the "March/April" issue (the public edition of The Watchtower being the "January/February" issue). So strictly speaking, it's only a few weeks late.
It is possible that Awake! could be discontinued at some point (particularly if no one really cares that it's late), or merged with the public edition of The Watchtower, but at this stage, it is just late, as was announced in November 2020.