According to ‘scholar’ ‘logic’, the following meets all appropriate standards of academic rigour for sources:
Researchers found that this square ▪️ is fourteen metres long.1
1. Researchers used a ruler.
anybody know something about vat 4956?.
nebuchadnezzar's 37th year matches the year 588 bc?
any independant astronomer can test it and it only matches 568 bc.. .
According to ‘scholar’ ‘logic’, the following meets all appropriate standards of academic rigour for sources:
Researchers found that this square ▪️ is fourteen metres long.1
1. Researchers used a ruler.
anybody know something about vat 4956?.
nebuchadnezzar's 37th year matches the year 588 bc?
any independant astronomer can test it and it only matches 568 bc.. .
The Bible writers used 70 years and not 50 years so such Bible commentators have simply substituted the 50 for 70 in order to conform to a flawed scheme of Chronology which amounts to deception or a lack of honesty. The only start date for the beginning of the Exile of 70 years is during the reign of Zedekiah- 2 Chron 36:11-13 and not earlier with the Fall of Jerusalem in 607 BCE.
hahaha 🤣 poor 'scholar' insists that the 70 years 'must' begin "not earlier" than 607 BCE because it is 70 years before the year they say the Jews 'must' have returned from exile, which they dogmatically say 'must' have been in 537 because it is 70 years after 607 ♻. (The correct year is 538 BCE as indicated by Ezra and Josephus, but at 'best' - from the JW perspective - it cannot in any case be definitely stated that they returned in 537.) Of course, the Bible never mentions an "exile of 70 years", and irrefutably says Babylon's 70 years ended when Babylon's king was 'called to account', which definitely happened in 539 BCE. But even if the Bible did say there were an exile of 70 years (which wouldn't make sense as a period starting at an unspecified future time in the context of Jeremiah 29, set in 594 BCE or 614 in JW years), they still wouldn't have anything beyond circular reasoning for their insistence on 607-537. Additionally, the only way 70 years would make any sense as 'years of exile' to the Jews already in Babylon would be for it to refer to the start of their exile in early 597 BCE (617 in JW chronology), which would mean they would expect to return home in 547 BCE (JW years). Little wonder that JW literature never mentions the year for the setting of Jeremiah chapter 29 (though two issues of The Watchtower, from way back in 1964 and 1979, connect '614 BCE' with chapter 28).
anybody know something about vat 4956?.
nebuchadnezzar's 37th year matches the year 588 bc?
any independant astronomer can test it and it only matches 568 bc.. .
The three sources used were the following:
1.The Sky 6 software
2.Cartes du Ciel/Sky Charts
3.US Naval Observatory data converter
No, those are still just tools, not sources. And the third one is a date converter, not a 'data converter' (whatever that is).
There is no evidence that these tools and resources were not used competently
Aside from that being an inherently fallacious assertion, the claims were examined on this very forum and found to be incorrect. There is a reason the JW's alternative chronology has not been published in any actual journals.
anybody know something about vat 4956?.
nebuchadnezzar's 37th year matches the year 588 bc?
any independant astronomer can test it and it only matches 568 bc.. .
Three sources and not one as you wrongly assert were used as described in the footnote.
That's a flat out lie. The footnote in question (19) lists software, not any identification of the 'researchers'. The software used is not a source, it is just a tool. (Worse still is that one of the supposed 'sources' is just a 'date converter' and nothing to with actual analysis of the tablet or astronomy 🤣.) There isn't even any evidence that they even used the software correctly.
Further, the researchers are not identified but if that troubles you then you can always write a letter seeking the information that you require.
Hahaha. I don't want JWs knocking at my door thank you.
The articles provide a list of references which all have been correctly quoted in support of the article's viewpoint adhering to normal academic conventions recognizing that the sources have differing views on the matter.
They try to give the appearance of being academic, but they don't provide the most important source for their claims. The sources they do cite either don't support the Watch Tower view at all, or are taken out of context; for example, Brown who says the planet names used in VAT 4956 are not ambiguous (Mesopotamian Planetary Astronomy—Astrology, pages 55–56)..
anybody know something about vat 4956?.
nebuchadnezzar's 37th year matches the year 588 bc?
any independant astronomer can test it and it only matches 568 bc.. .
The simple fact is that you do not like this research because it clearly provides solid proof for 607 BCE causing wt critics much angst.
hahahahahahaha 😂😂😂😂😂😂 my sides... that's just too much... and I thought you weren't a good comedian.
it is reported that in the usa, 30 people are dying per day after receiving the corona vaccine.
anyone else hear about this?
- article.
I haven’t heard one rational discussion from any medical expert who just multiplies by 100 because of under reported deaths.
Were you expecting to?
We can’t use one extreme to justify another and discount deaths from the vaccines.
The death rate from the COVID-19 vaccine in the United States is less than 0.0025%. To put it in perspective, the maternal mortality rate during child birth is 0.0174% in the US. So a woman giving birth is about 7 times more likely to die than a person dying from the COVID-19 vaccine.
anybody know something about vat 4956?.
nebuchadnezzar's 37th year matches the year 588 bc?
any independant astronomer can test it and it only matches 568 bc.. .
The very fact that there were researchers- plural indicates that there are others competent to make an assessment in this matter.
"fact"? Nothing about the claim in the article indicates a "fact" about the "researchers". The 'researchers' could be Furuli (who may have had an assistant) or could just be some lads at 'Bethel' who were tasked with fudging some results to fit the Watch Tower Society's narrative.
The WT has noted this fact with the appropriate methodology employed by these other experts so no dishonesty to hand.
hahaha... 😂 the only citation anywhere near the claim about the anonymous 'researchers' is the name of a software program, with no identification of the 'researchers', their credentials (or even evidence of basic competency), or their affiliation with Watch Tower, nor is any evidence provided that supports the findings asserted... but okay then, since you say they followed the "appropriate methodology", this must mean I missed where they cited their sources identifying the researchers... feel free to enlighten us all as to the identity of these 'researchers'... 🤣 Worst of all, the article does provide some citations (some of whom are misrepresented, including Brown, Sack and Steele), so it's not that they weren't trying to give the appearance of the "appropriate methodology". So their failure to properly cite the identity of the key "researchers" for their claims is particularly suspect.
anybody know something about vat 4956?.
nebuchadnezzar's 37th year matches the year 588 bc?
any independant astronomer can test it and it only matches 568 bc.. .
This is mere speculation on your part. LOL!
No, doofus. I only indicated that it is highly likely, which is an entirely accurate assessment based on the fact that Furuli is the only known source for the claim. Of course, if the Watch Tower Society weren’t so dishonest, they would properly credit their alleged source.
anybody know something about vat 4956?.
nebuchadnezzar's 37th year matches the year 588 bc?
any independant astronomer can test it and it only matches 568 bc.. .
This post (off site and, admittedly, somewhat long) shows how WT's 20 year difference in chronology shrinks to 18 years at the exile of the ten tribe kingdom, and then expands to 67 years at the split in the Jewish kingdom after Solomon.
For a graphical representation of this, see
anybody know something about vat 4956?.
nebuchadnezzar's 37th year matches the year 588 bc?
any independant astronomer can test it and it only matches 568 bc.. .
St George of England:
As I recall it was written by Rolf Furuli whose academic work has long been discredited.
No writing credit is given in the Watchtower article, and there is no evidence that Furili wrote the article, but it is highly likely that the unnamed ‘researchers’ in the article alludes to Furuli.