Anony Mous:
They have already paused the J&J vaccine due to confirmed fatalities and many countries are now stopping administration or considering stopping it due to the risk. Do you believe that the medical professionals were wrong? Why don’t you believe the scientists? Do you think we should administer vaccines to people even when the chance of death is higher from vaccination than receiving covid?
Different vaccines introduce different components of a virus, and the immune system reacts to those components (or in the case of mRNA vaccines, an element that allows RNA in cells to construct a similar protein, with the same result), and then recognise those in the actual virus if infected later. Vaccines that contain elements that cause severe reactions in a significant number of people should indeed be discontinued. But (aside from allergies to the vaccine medium) they are still effects that would also be experienced if the people got COVID. It’s not a matter of the professionals being wrong, it is a matter of identifying viral markers that are sufficiently similar for the immune system to recognise the actual virus, but without a severe reaction. Some companies inadvertently used elements that cause severe reactions in a small proportion of people. I’d like to see your attempt at making a vaccine. I suppose we could do it your way and have no vaccines at all, and just let millions of people die instead.