Being anointed means one is anointed by the holy spirit.
There’s no reason to believe that any part of that statement, even setting aside the pointless circular reference, has any basis in reality.
please how do someone become an anointed christian in watchtower organization.
i informed my elders in my congo that i am an anointed christian..
Being anointed means one is anointed by the holy spirit.
There’s no reason to believe that any part of that statement, even setting aside the pointless circular reference, has any basis in reality.
please how do someone become an anointed christian in watchtower organization.
i informed my elders in my congo that i am an anointed christian..
I want to partake of the emblems at the Memorial next year. Should I partake of it?
It’s a superstitious ritual, and you don’t seem to meet the standards of what JWs would generally consider to be one of the ‘anointed’. It won’t give you any authority or respect in the congregation or the broader organisation, and congregation members may call into question your mental state. But do whatever makes you feel happy I guess.
please how do someone become an anointed christian in watchtower organization.
i informed my elders in my congo that i am an anointed christian..
Nathan Natas:
How is it that after all this time as a baptized JW, you do not know the answer to this most basic question?
He may well be a fraud, or this could be what the ‘wonderful growth’ of JWs is like in parts of Africa. Lower standards to grow the membership?
please how do someone become an anointed christian in watchtower organization.
i informed my elders in my congo that i am an anointed christian..
You know you’re on shaky ground when even the organisation promoting the belief in being ‘anointed’ says such a claim may be a result of emotional problems or mental imbalance.
please how do someone become an anointed christian in watchtower organization.
i informed my elders in my congo that i am an anointed christian..
Since there is no rational basis for anyone claiming they are anointed, you just indicate that you profess to be anointed by eating the bread and drinking the wine at the memorial, but you should already know that if you are a JW in good standing. If you are a new member, you will probably get a stern word from the elders afterwards. Even if you are in good standing, people in your congregation probably won’t believe you are anointed, since they are told that claiming to be anointed could be a result of emotional problems or mental imbalance, and only the ‘governing body’ and other high-ranking corporate members are ever definitively recognised as ‘anointed’. Claiming to be anointed will not give you any authority in the organisation.
alberta has just lifted all covid restrictions because they can't find any samples to prove it even exists.. https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/alberta-lifts-all-covid-restrictions-because-they-cant-produce-an-isolated-sample-of-sars-cov-2-to-prove-covid-exists-to-back-their-mandates/.
german paper bild apologises for pushing covid lockdowns and damaging society.. https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-07-30-german-newspaper-apologizes-covid-lockdown-hysteria-society.html.
wonder if the day will come when wt admits it lied?
i know there's a name for this technique but i need a name, nonetheless.. if i say to my audience: apostates are horrible, satanic, dirty, sinners, mentally diseased etc ... all hateful traits.
and then i say: person a is an apostate.
then my audience will associate all the traits previously associated with "apostate" with person a. but i can say: i never said person a was horrible, satanic, dirty, mentally diseased etc.
Noticeably, the WTS denigrates ex members, so called apostates, but never answers our legitimate concerns. I guess they can’t.
Trying to respond to objections draws too much attention to them. But see also Streisand Effect.
i know there's a name for this technique but i need a name, nonetheless.. if i say to my audience: apostates are horrible, satanic, dirty, sinners, mentally diseased etc ... all hateful traits.
and then i say: person a is an apostate.
then my audience will associate all the traits previously associated with "apostate" with person a. but i can say: i never said person a was horrible, satanic, dirty, mentally diseased etc.
The premises given in the original post are:
Premise 1 - All B are C
Premise 2 - A is B
Implied conclusion - (A is C)
As such, the syllogism is logically valid, but either or both premises may be rejected as false.
The specific example given is plainly ad hominem, there are elements of poisoning the well and it is a thought terminating cliche. The term apostate is also being used as a euphemism.
But, if the person goes on to claim that they did not say ‘A is C’, they are stupid, lying or both, because they have contradicted their premises. See also weasel words, non-denial denial, spin.
dr. leanna wen is currently spreading the fallacy that unvaccinated persons should have vaccines mandated because they are like drunk drivers… they have the right to be drunk at home she says, but wanting to be part of society at large without being vaccinated is like driving drunk and putting others at risk.
besides ignoring the science proving that persons who have had sars cov-2 have natural immunity that equals or exceeds anything that could be imparted from the mrna shot, without the side effects or need for boosters, ( sorry big pharma, you’ll be losing $$$ ) this illustration just smacks of illogical reasoning.
it reminds me of the borg comparing getting baptized to getting your driver’s license.
After all, the average (IFR) death rate of Covid is a mere 0.26% of those infected
Setting aside the fact that that figure is from CDC estimates based on various scenarios rather than an observation, that still would work out to a lot of people. And it’s still several hundred times worse than the rate of deaths following vaccination (including deaths not caused by the vaccine).
dr. leanna wen is currently spreading the fallacy that unvaccinated persons should have vaccines mandated because they are like drunk drivers… they have the right to be drunk at home she says, but wanting to be part of society at large without being vaccinated is like driving drunk and putting others at risk.
besides ignoring the science proving that persons who have had sars cov-2 have natural immunity that equals or exceeds anything that could be imparted from the mrna shot, without the side effects or need for boosters, ( sorry big pharma, you’ll be losing $$$ ) this illustration just smacks of illogical reasoning.
it reminds me of the borg comparing getting baptized to getting your driver’s license.
Is a drunk person putting others at risk if they are not at home and not driving?What about a mentally challenged person, or a drug taker, whether prescribed or not. When they pose a serious risk because of their proven social misbehaviour something can be done about it but usually not until they've already caused damage.
What if the unvaccinated person is prepared to take extra precautions so as not to be any more of a risk than a vaccinated person and what exactly would be required? Who are they a risk to, another unvaccinated person or a vaccinated person?
It isn't really the purpose of analogies to cover every possible scenario. Nor does something being analogous automatically mean that both things are equally valid. It's just a metaphor for quickly comparing ideas. Most readers with a fairly basic education would understand the intent of the comparison the doctor was making.