But does anyone have any quotes from the organisation recently that says “increase of publishers = Jehovah’s blessing”?
It depends on who you ask...
If you ask the Watch Tower Society, growth is not necessarily evidence of God's blessing.
The Watchtower, 15 September 2005, page 8:
Although numerical increase is not in itself proof of God’s blessing, it does provide evidence that “the hand of Jehovah” is with his people.
On the other hand, if you ask the Watch Tower Society, growth is evidence of God's blessing.
The Watchtower, 15 July 2008, page 5:
This remarkable growth is one evidence of Jehovah’s blessing on the efforts of his people in the house-to-house ministry.
The Watchtower, 15 June 1987, page 18:
As for more recent, their growth has barely kept up with population growth in recent years, so don't expect them to boast too much about it. That is, not until they can misrepresent the stats in next year's 'Service Report'.Jehovah’s blessing has undoubtedly been abundant, as evidenced by the spiritual and numerical growth of his worshipers.