And 1914 is not there. It is only there to those who are willing to accept a man-made organization's convoluted assumption based non-scholarly speculations. And that's the truth.
Not sure why you're attributing someone else's comment to me. Anyway...
Luke 21:24 with its 'Gentile Times' puts 1914 right there in the centre of Lukan Eschatology and it is there because one can easily discern the dual application of the Olivet Discourse based on a literal fulfilment in the first century then telescoping into a much larger and future fulfilment characteristic of events evident from 1914 CE.
Entirely wrong. The grammar of the original text of Luke 21:24 indicates a period that hadn't started yet, and Revelation 11:2 identifies the period as 3.5 years. It has no association with anything in Daniel.