Following is a piece I wrote about their use of "the truth" in 2010...
In this thread I'm going to analyse, word-by-word, a basic
expression typical of JWs - "I know it is the truth" - to indicate
how such a simple expression is in fact a manipulative method of
self-indoctrination, and to demonstrate how every word in JW cliches usually
carries some jargonistic meaning for them.
I know it is the truth...
When someone affirms something with "I", they internalise it (or
'make the truth their own'). Over time, any affront to the internalised concept
becomes an attack on their own ego. Any negative comment about JW beliefs or
activities becomes something they take very personally, reinforcing the 'us vs.
them' attitude already fostered by the religion.
I know it is the truth...
JWs don't 'know' their beliefs are truth, because there is no actual proof to
support the premises of their 'faith'. Like members of any religion, they
*believe* they have the truth. Using the word 'know' is a convenient
thought-terminating cliche to avoid actually rationally analysing what they
I know it is the truth...
Many JWs only really know the fundamentals of what 'it' actually is that they
believe, and quite a few even have trouble explaining those. Many 'qualified
ministers' among JWs don't have a clear understanding of how they establish
1914 as the end of the 'Gentile Times', much less about 'Ezekiel's temple
vision' or 'Jehovah's celestial chariot'. But they will happily say that
'whatever they believe' is 'truth'.
I know it is the truth...
JWs believe that whatever they are *currently* taught is definitely true.
Things that 'were' true aren't necessarily true anymore, though they were
previously taught as absolutely and unqualifiedly true before. And things that
were once 'true', and then *weren't* 'true' anymore could become 'true' again
at the turn of a Watchtower page, at which point the new 'truth' was always
'true', even employing historical revisionism to back up claims of what was
'always' true. E.g. predicting 1914 as the end of the 'Gentile Times' rather
than the beginning of Armageddon.
I know it is the truth...
JWs believe there is an absolute religious truth. Unlike plain statements of
fact such as 2 + 2 = 4, which is true unless the plain definitions of 'two',
'plus', 'equals', and 'four' are fundamentally altered, statements of belief
based on scriptures that can be interpreted in various ways, often from
accounts that are vague, spurious, or patently absurd, are clearly not absolute
I know it is the truth...
The JW term 'truth' as used in expressions such as 'I know it is the truth'
means more than the basic sense of the word. It is employed as a proper noun,
Truth™, to represent whatever happens to be 'truth' at the time, whether the
individual actually knows all the particular 'truths' or not. It is used to
represent not only their body of doctrines, but also their community itself.