Prove me wrong. Show me where in his book where he discusses the subject of the Jewish Exile for it is not even discussed as a heading in his Subject Index where it should occur.
It is, of course, a lie that Jonsson doesn't acknowledge the exile. Both the main exile in 597 BCE and the exile at the time of Jerusalem's destruction in 587 BCE (e.g., page 222, footnote 37) are mentioned throughout, but since the 70 years was not a period of exile, it isn't necessary for Jonsson to discuss the exile as the focus of his book.
Now, the lying 'scholar' probably knows full well that Jonsson does indeed repeatedly refer to the exile, and could be naively thinking that because I said several years ago that I hadn't read Jonsson's book, that I should therefore not know what is in it. Thinking I couldn't have read the book since then would obviously be quite daft.