two deportations are subsumed as one Jewish or Babylonian Exile as treated by most historians.
Indeed. 😂 The Jewish exile is broadly recognised as beginning in early 597BCE when most of Jerusalem’s population were deported to Babylon, though there were other deportation in 587BCE (when the city was also destroyed) and in 582BCE. See also Ezekiel 40:1.
Jer. 29:10 simply addresses the fact of their imminent release from Babylon having been exiled for 70 years thus in anticipation of their Return- release from Exile.
I understand that you need to cling to this dogma despite the fact that it would be plainly stupid to turn attention to their return if they had by then already returned. Sad really.
and with the Return from Exile of the Jews in 537 BCE.
538BCE. Though many Jews remained in Babylon.
Jeremiah described the 'judgement' in terms of the king, city and land of Chaldea and this did not happen synchronistically in 539BCE
The ‘judgement’ (a superstitious interpretation of Persia’s conquest of Babylon) of the king and city was very definitely in 539BCE. The hyperbole about the whole land of Chaldea was never fulfilled of course, and the region is still quite inhabited.
Further, if it argued that the 70 years ended in 539 BCE with the Fall of Babylon then that would mean that the beginning was in 609 BCE wherein nothing of consequence marked that year
609BCE is the year in which Babylon conquered the last vestige of the Assyrian empire at Harran, definitively marking Babylon as the new world power. But JWs conveniently forget about the ‘march of the world powers’ at this juncture. 🤣 Your fallacious argument from authority and ad hominem about Jonsson is entirely irrelevant.
Stern's description of the state of the cities in unoccupied Judah matches perfectly Jeremeiah's prophecy. and agrees perfectly with our interpretation of the 70 years of desolation.
So ‘scholar’ chooses to continue to lie. Stern doesn’t say Judah was unoccupied at all, he said that the towns that were destroyed weren’t resettled until the Persian period. Stern adds that small settlements remained throughout Judea during the neo-Babylonian period, and he further adds that the area of Benjamin wasn’t destroyed.