Just for fun, here’s what ChatGPT thought of Fisherman’s last bit of drivel:
There are several fallacies and poor reasoning in the provided passage:And yes, I know, AI bad, ChatGPT leftist, yadda yadda. 🙄
1. False dichotomy: The passage presents a false dichotomy between only two options - either experiencing God physically or only having a belief that He doesn't exist. There are other possibilities, such as making an inference based on evidence or lack thereof.
2. Appeal to ignorance: The passage suggests that since there is no way to disprove the existence of God, it is plausible that He exists. However, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, and lack of evidence for the existence of God does not make it more likely that He exists.
3. Special pleading: The passage argues that the reality of God does not depend on proof, which is a form of special pleading - offering an exception to a general rule without justification.
4. Ad hoc reasoning: The passage uses ad hoc reasoning to explain away any evidence that contradicts its claims, such as the parting of the Red Sea or the resurrection of someone from the cemetery, by suggesting that such evidence can be rejected.
5. Circular reasoning: The passage cites the Bible to support its claims, which is an example of circular reasoning - using the conclusion to support the premise.
Overall, the passage presents several fallacies and poor reasoning, which weaken its argument and make it less persuasive.