But, isn't that just kicking the can down the road?
Says the person who believes that an infinitely complex being just always existed…
Can you provide any examples of complex information arising from a natural process?
Argument from ignorance. I am not a biologist. Also, your use of the term ‘information’ in this context is a false equivalence. Aside from that, the amino acids necessary for life form spontaneously even in space, and more primitive cells would only require a sufficient combination of amino acids, water, and a lipid membrane. For more detail, ask a biologist. A real one, not just cherry picked quotes from one of your creationist go-to sites.
A quick search shows that spontaneous development of replicating molecules is certainly possible. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/jacs.9b10796 Of course, this is never good enough for creationists, because they will always demand to know what did happen rather than what could happen—an entirely hypocritical approach compared to their ‘god can do anything’ responses to problems with the irrational tales in Genesis.