His latest 'efforts' are already covered under the comment here. Notice how he continues to ignore the much more significant problems already pointed out, and instead wrongly claims I must have checked the wrong year.
He still doesn't understand that 'behind' relates to position in relation to motion toward the horizon, and not whether something is further to the west. He also incorrectly associates the "Fish of the Zodiac" (translated from ŠIM) from the the 1915 translation of VAT 4956 with Piscis Austrinus. However, the "Fish of the Zodiac" as shown in the 1915 translation refers to the zodiac sign called 'fish' (i.e. Pisces), but refers to what the Babylonians called 'the Swallow'. Piscis Austrinus was known to the Babylonians as 'the southern fish' (MUL.KU), but it wasn't a constellation of the Babylonian zodiac, and isn't in the original text of VAT 4956. The Babylonian zodiac had no sign between Aquarius and Capricorn, where 'the southern fish' is found.
Back in reality, in the correct year, 568 BCE, the moon was visible behind Taurus where expected, and Saturn was in front of Pisces (the Swallow) where expected.
But let's see what he has to say about Mars entering Praesepe in Month II...