This is not an apology, it's sarcastic nonsense:
And if it makes you feel better, Jeffro: I am completely wrong. I know
nothing. I never have. You are 100% right about everything. Apologies. I
am sorry to have ever doubted you.
And you know that. Please don't insult everyone's intelligence by pretending that was a misunderstood sincere apology due to a 'language barrier'. It seems, let's say, 'quite unlikely' that you really meant it that you 'know nothing and never have' because I was right about one tiny detail.
A more sincere person intending to actually apologise (or just wanting to defuse a tense situation) could have said something like, "Sorry, I wasn't aware that some sources did suggest different years for that period." or even "Thanks for providing the link to that article, but I wasn't referring to those scholars because xyz..." You did neither.
You said apologize and get out of here, and I did what you asked.
I did not tell you 'get of here' or anything similar.