I see scholar has it wrong again with his statements regarding the reign of Nebuchadnezzar.
The Watchtower Society wrangles the dates a bit to suit their interpretations, however their explanation is confusing and more complex than the actual explanation. The supposed discrepancy involves Jeremiah 25:1 and Daniel 1:1. Daniel says that Nebuchadnezzar was king in Jehoiakim’s third year, whereas Jeremiah says that Nebuchadnezzar’s first year was Jehoiakim’s fourth year.
In the book "Pay Attention to Daniel’s Prophecy", the Society asserts that Jeremiah refers to Nebuchadnezzar’s rule relative to Jehoiakim’s rule appointed by Pharaoh Necho, and that Daniel means Jehoiakim’s third year as a vassal king to Nebuchadnezzar, in what they reason would have been Jehoiakim’s 11th and final year.
Nevertheless, the actual source of the alleged discrepancy is that Daniel — living in Babylon — did not count Jehoiakim’s accession year, while Jeremiah considered it to be Jehoiakim’s first year, therefore Jeremiah’s reckoning is one year more. This explanation is supported by Daniel’s omission of the year of Nebuchadnezzar’s reign, only stating that he was king, because from Daniel’s perspective Nebuchadnezzar was in his accession year.
Posts by Jeffro
Jehoiakim's third year of reign, or 11th year of reign, which is correct?
by VM44 inin daniel 1:1, we read the following (nwt):.
in the third year of the kingship of jehoi akim the king of judah, nebuchadnez zar the king of babylon came to jerusalem and proceeded to lay siege to it.. the watchtower insists on changing the meaning of "in the third year of the kingship of jehoiakim" to "in the third year of the vasselship of jehoiakim to nebuchadnezzar".. jehoiakim had already reigned for 8 years before he became a vassal king for nebuchadnezzar, so the seige according the watchtower interpretation, would have taken place during jehoiakim's 11th year of kingship.. is the watchtower correct here?
is there a way to settle once and for all what daniel 1:1 really meant?.
Can anyone recommend a few spacey/trippy rock songs?
by Leander ini'm working on putting together a rock compilation cd and i'm aiming for a really spacey/trippy type of vibe.
anyone have a few recommendations?.
1. the doors - riders on the storm.
Two people already beat me to White Rabbit - Jefferson Airplane
Blister in the Sun - Violent Femmes
She Don't Use Jelly - Flaming Lips -
Did you really believe?
by Sassy ini had a friend in all sincerity, tell me recently that i never really believed.
to which i do not agree.
i did and with all my heart.
I always had doubts. I can remember even back in my early school years where we had a relgious instruction class each week (taken by sisters from the congregation). I remember once they asked what wild animal we would most like to have as a pet in the new system; it all just seemed silly. I said a panther because they wanted to hear something like that, but I didn't really believe it even at a very young age. As I got a bit older, I had questions like Why would a perfect god that has even the *ability* to see the future allow for Satan to exist? Why would he make creatures that had a capacity for failure? and so on
Because I didn't have a lot of friends outside of the 'truth' it made it very difficult to leave; so I didn't make the move until I was absolutely sure that it wasn't true. But an in-depth study of 607 quickly clinched that.
Because there was never any solid evidence for the existence of Jehovah specifically (as opposed to the possible existence of some kind of power in the universe that may or may not still exist, may or may not be aware or concerned of our existence, and may or may not be sentient in a way similar to us), I never really felt a close relationship with god. -
Premonition Dreams?
by Evanescence in.
just wondering, has anyone ever had premonition dreams?.
FMZ wrote:
Jeffro, the usual "you had a vague memory and it matched someone elses" thing is a pretty pathetic argument, as the dream was so profound,
Based on the information you had originally supplied, it was a perfectly valid argument.
I wrote down the details, drew pictures, even created a 3d model of the area I was in.
You created a 3D model?? That sounds like an awful lot of effort to go to, especially if you had not yet discussed the dream with anyone. Sounds just a little obsessive-compulsive. It does really sound like an assertion that someone would put forward in reaction to anyone disagreeing with their story.
I then asked my friend what he saw in his dream.
He drew the landscape PERFECTLY, put an red X on it where I was in the dream, described a statue I had seen in the dream perfectly, including the kind of architecture and shapes involved. I may still have the pics on my computer at work.It is possible that the place is somewhere you have both been to, or have both seen. Failing that, how do you suggest that two people can have the same dream? There is simply no mechanism for it to occur.
Please Jeffro, don't assume I am just some dumbass who thinks he remembers something he didn't. Try again.
It is common for people to forget details of dreams, and to have elements of the dream confused with details from sources other than the dream. It is not the quality of a 'dumbass', and it is a completely valid postulation.
does "randomness" exist?
by googlemagoogle inthis is maybe largely parallel to the "free will" debate.
or if there is such thing like "chance".
many computer languages have a math function "random()".
There seems to be some confusion between 'unpredictable' and 'random' in this thread. Something can be unpredictable because there is insufficient information regarding all of the determining factors to accurately predict it, however this does not necessitate randomness.
Premonition Dreams?
by Evanescence in.
just wondering, has anyone ever had premonition dreams?.
Evanescence said
I have had dreams of world events
It is one thing to have a dream and then have something similar to the dream actually happen, and then to tell someone about it.
But can you tell us about a dream that you have had that has not yet been fulfilled, with a degree of details which will irrefutable if the event actually happens? -
Premonition Dreams?
by Evanescence in.
just wondering, has anyone ever had premonition dreams?.
'Shared dreams' - not that hard to explain really. Details of dreams start to become distorted in the memory not long after the person wakes up, with less and less detail accurately recalled as time goes on. If another person has a similar dream, it is very easy to become convinced that the details of your own dream are 'exactly the same' when in reality the original dream was simply similar.
does "randomness" exist?
by googlemagoogle inthis is maybe largely parallel to the "free will" debate.
or if there is such thing like "chance".
many computer languages have a math function "random()".
The 'random' generator algorithms generally used by computers basically generate numbers based on the current time (though there is a little more to it), but it is a mistake to draw a conclusion from this that nothing at all is completely random.
Radioactive decay is basically caused by the 'weak nuclear force'. It is not random.
It is theoretically possible that nothing at all is truly random, and that any perceived randomness is simply a result of not knowing (or being able to know) all of the combined determining factors. This of course is difficult to prove. -
I'm an ex-dub as of tonight.
by Pole ini just want to let you know my updated status.
today i had another elder visit.
last time i had a call about a month ago.
I could only smile when he said "don't be surprised when noone says hello when they meet you in the street".
He must have thought it sounded like motivating threat to me.It is surprising really that they think this emotional blackmail would work. Why would any intelligent person who leaves the 'truth' after finding out that it isn't actually true want to add insult to injury by wanting to return to the false friends who would so readily cut all ties and refuse to even say 'hello' simply because they have heard an announcement at the hall that the person is no longer a Jehovah's Witness without even being told a reason why.
I'm glad you've escaped. -
I'm an ex-dub as of tonight.
by Pole ini just want to let you know my updated status.
today i had another elder visit.
last time i had a call about a month ago.
Were they 'resplendent' water canals?