Huh? what do you really mean?
It's a redundant way of emphasising the ridiculous claim that attached a non-existent meaning to 911.
Your entire theory is yet another insane attempt to assign meaning to 'scriptures' that just isn't there.
so i'm thumbing through the new "silver sword" and i notice that in the appendix under "message of the bible" that it says, "about 1914 jesus hurls the serpent satan to the earth...." i can't remeber ever hearing the word "about" and 1914 placed together before in regards to this event.
are there any jwapologists, or anyone else for that matter, who have an explanation for this?.
Huh? what do you really mean?
It's a redundant way of emphasising the ridiculous claim that attached a non-existent meaning to 911.
Your entire theory is yet another insane attempt to assign meaning to 'scriptures' that just isn't there.
i recently asked my jw mother, if she believed that jesus died for her sins.
(john 3:16).
she agreed, but then added the jw party line, "you have to exercise faith also.
In what sense is everlasting life a "free gift" and "undeserved kindness" if you have to "prove worthy" for 1000 years and more in order to get it?
Indeed. It's an entirely ridiculous assertion. And surely the Watch Tower Society wouldn't be so stupid as to actually put "prove worthy" in the same sentence as "undeserved kindness"... Oh... wait...
*** w98 12/15 p. 19 par. 15 This Is the Day of Salvation! ***
Since Pentecost 33 C.E., spiritual Israelites have endeavored to prove worthy of God’s undeserved kindness so that the “acceptable time” would be “a day of salvation” for them.
*** it-1 p. 37 Acceptable Time ***
Such Christians had become the spiritual “Israel of God” from Pentecost of 33 C.E. forward (Ga 6:16), but there was a need for them to prove worthy of God’s undeserved kindness, so that the “acceptable time” might indeed prove to be “a day of salvation” for them.
so i'm thumbing through the new "silver sword" and i notice that in the appendix under "message of the bible" that it says, "about 1914 jesus hurls the serpent satan to the earth...." i can't remeber ever hearing the word "about" and 1914 placed together before in regards to this event.
are there any jwapologists, or anyone else for that matter, who have an explanation for this?.
Satan and his demons are cast down to the vicinity of the earth at the time the Kingdom is born (Rev. 12). This occurred after the 911 attacks and not any sooner.
That just plain stupid, even if only for claiming that something was "after ... and not any sooner".
so i'm thumbing through the new "silver sword" and i notice that in the appendix under "message of the bible" that it says, "about 1914 jesus hurls the serpent satan to the earth...." i can't remeber ever hearing the word "about" and 1914 placed together before in regards to this event.
are there any jwapologists, or anyone else for that matter, who have an explanation for this?.
Does this mean that Jesus is weaker than Satan?
Absolutely not.
Though there isn't any strong evidence that Jesus actually existed, and no reliable evidence about anything attributed to him in the Bible, it is plausible that there was a guy named Jesus (ישוע) who was a bit of a political revolutionary and was killed by the Romans.
Whilst that person, assuming he actually existed, is long dead, there are atoms still in existence that were once part of Jesus. Conversely, since 'Satan' is an entirely fictional concept, it has no particles whatsoever.
Therefore, based simply on the first law of thermodynamics, Jesus is not weaker than Satan. At worst, he didn't exist at all, making him exactly equal to Satan.
i suppose part of the fascination i have with this board is, the exotic nature of those making up the member population.
i say exotic because, as you yourselves will agree with, folks such as yourselves don't hang around the christian congregation for long upon making the decision that truth is not for you.
(rom 1:25) this "fading" thing spoken of here likely plays a role into why christians such as me find the average ex-jw to be a bit fascinating.
Stand for Pure Worship:
The murmuring phase is the beginning of an ex-JWs progression towards fading.
I'd have to say the thinking phase is really the beginning of waking up from demented JW beliefs.
so i'm thumbing through the new "silver sword" and i notice that in the appendix under "message of the bible" that it says, "about 1914 jesus hurls the serpent satan to the earth...." i can't remeber ever hearing the word "about" and 1914 placed together before in regards to this event.
are there any jwapologists, or anyone else for that matter, who have an explanation for this?.
AnnOMaly (quoting w53 2/15 p. 119 par 23):
God knew that Satan the wicked one would attempt to turn the attention of the people away from God’s kingdom when it was established. So it was when Satan was ousted from the heavens down to the earth. He was wrathful. He plunged the nations into World War I. He wanted to turn the attention of the people away from the significant event that then was taking place and he proceeded to do so in the most deceptive ways.
Yes... apparently World War I was started by 'Satan' to 'turn attention' away from something that supposedly happened 'invisibly' in 'heaven', which no one would have noticed anyway because nothing actually happened. (How very crafty. ) Once again, Watch Tower comes through with 'brilliant' 'logic'.
so i'm thumbing through the new "silver sword" and i notice that in the appendix under "message of the bible" that it says, "about 1914 jesus hurls the serpent satan to the earth...." i can't remeber ever hearing the word "about" and 1914 placed together before in regards to this event.
are there any jwapologists, or anyone else for that matter, who have an explanation for this?.
To me 1914 fits because it matches jesus words of what his presence would be like in mathew 24 , nations would rise against nation and kingdom against kindgom ... more or less pin pointing a world war
No, no and no.
For starters, "World War I" is just a label, and the 'Great War' wasn't even called World War I until 1939.
There had been earlier wars that involved countries in every inhabited contintent. Various wars prior to WWI had been regarded as "world wars", including the Napoleonic Wars, the 30 Years War, the 80 Years War, and the 7 Years War.
The words attributed to Jesus in Matthew 24 were an allusion to events leading up to a final attack on Jerusalem by the Romans, but aside from that, the events of the supposed 'composite sign' can be attributed to any period.
And aside from all that, 607 BCE for the destruction of Jerusalem is just plain wrong, and there is no genuine basis at all for arriving at 1914 for 'Jesus' doing anything at all.
i suppose part of the fascination i have with this board is, the exotic nature of those making up the member population.
i say exotic because, as you yourselves will agree with, folks such as yourselves don't hang around the christian congregation for long upon making the decision that truth is not for you.
(rom 1:25) this "fading" thing spoken of here likely plays a role into why christians such as me find the average ex-jw to be a bit fascinating.
Stand for Pure Worship:
It's also strange considering the fact that, The Truth doesn't change
Instead of focusing on keeping up to date and accepting the adjusted understanding of God's organization, they choose to focus on the imperfections of those presenting the modified truths
Idiot. With that kind of 'logic', it's little wonder you couldn't offer anything sensible on the thread about Jeremiah 29:10.
so i'm thumbing through the new "silver sword" and i notice that in the appendix under "message of the bible" that it says, "about 1914 jesus hurls the serpent satan to the earth...." i can't remeber ever hearing the word "about" and 1914 placed together before in regards to this event.
are there any jwapologists, or anyone else for that matter, who have an explanation for this?.
It's all fungible, you know.
That would suggest something of value. So probably not.
we've discussed this on lots of threads, but i've noticed a few things lately.
they seem to be talking about the early days on a very regular basis, almost constantly.
the change to fds happens and this involved a dive into early history and a few knocks on russell.
What is the 'Silver Sword'? Is this something that a JWN poster came up with or is it a real JW phrase?
It is the new grey New World Translation. It is an informal term, but it seems that it was JWs that started saying it.