Stand for Pure Worship (quoting the JW Office of Public Information):
The local Witnesses also reached out to their neighbors, offering them aid and spiritual comfort.
Well if they said it, it must be true.
Even though there's no indication of just what was done to help. And it would be nice to see some third-party corroboration of just what aid they provided.
I suppose one is to presume that 'spiritual comfort' = JW preaching (and counting time). I wonder if JWs give freebies (i.e. not counting time) to disaster victims.
The home of one Witness family sustained roof damage, and fellow congregation members assisted with repairs.
So some JWs helped someone - ostensibly, a 'friend' - to fix that one family's roof? That isn't peculiar to JWs. Friends help each other. It's not really even slightly remarkable. Now, it might be charitable if they then helped other people with their repairs as well.
Reminds me of Matthew 5:46-47.