an interesting way to use the Bible to plant some seeds of doubt.
Why should getting something to think be described so deviously as "seeds of doubt"?!
cindy: o.k.
cindy, now read the next two verses 25 and 26.. cindy: for he must rule as king until [god] has put all enemies under his feet.
cindy: i never saw that before!.
an interesting way to use the Bible to plant some seeds of doubt.
Why should getting something to think be described so deviously as "seeds of doubt"?!
read this in another thread,,,,,,,,,feb 2014 wt.
there, they cast doubt on the application of daniel's 70 weeks prophecy to being fulfilled with christ.. "could the first-century jews have calculated the time of the messiahs arrival on the basis of the prophecy of the 70 weeks recorded at daniel 9:24-27 ?
while that possibility cannot be ruled out, it cannot be confirmed.
I think, unfortunately, that Oubliette is correct. I say 'unfortunately' because it is truly sad that the Watch Tower Society is that arrogant.
P.S. They're wrong. The 70 weeks has absolutely nothing to do with Jesus. At all. Not even a little bit.
first of all let me start by saying who am i to judge, but... i understand jwn has completely evolved over the years, but what i would like to see a forum that has current members and former jw's that still live by bible principles and respect the bible, but are not afraid to call out the watchtower on their practices and revised history.
i think quality posters as mentioned above, after venting their frustrations and experiences realize this website is taken over by athiests.
and punk kids-[ see similar post.
That is the second time that you have gone on a personal attack and rant of me this week, Band... and for no reason at all. My name wasn't even brought up in this thread.
wolford and betty john,nice loveing couple,always loved children.. arther and tinnie roderson, nice couple he passed away some years ago too young from cancer.. wiakato and hine gray couldn't ask for better people.. jack teesie ..single guy would never go to a single sisters place for dinner even if she had children apperantly a bad look.. joe sleighman and wife nice couple were d.o's leaft and joined our side.. sandy pannell and wife...he reminded me of bill clinton always love to look down from the stage and wave his left finger at the congro....never liked him.. han's hubler,nuff said has been a few threads started about him.. there is many more.. karter..
Joe Sleighman
I recognise the name. But that's about all.
Vin Toole
Isn't he their big-time lawyer in Ingleburn?
doesnt the bible clearly show he has always been on the earth causing trouble and havoc ?
onwards.. then especially with the account in the book of job.. not forgetting his tempting jesus in the wilderness.. being reinforced in 2cor.4:4 "...the god of this system of things has blinded the minds of unbeleivers...".
all of which occurs on earth with humans , so whats the big deal about rev.12:12,13 ?.
Isn`t the scripture at Rev.12: 12,13 Pointless ?
As with the rest of Revelation, it's just cryptic idiocy. Under even the most basic scrutiny, the concept is stupid.
Aside from the fairly significant fact that Satan doesn't exist (somewhat limiting his impact), not only has 'Satan'—as you've already indicated—supposedly always had access to Earth anyway, but he's also purportedly invisible and supposedly able to influence people and do other things from heaven. So it would make absolutely no measurable difference even if he were 'on Earth'.
Maybe he should join forces with Doctor Evil and Ming the Merciless, and start an evil guild of fictitious villains.
in this post they wrote :.
why do wecome to know from the sec, the most important american and world society of control of the new york stock exchange(consob)that the watch tower have between 7 and 10% of the american investment bank jpmorgan and other investment banks,shares of coca-cola company,exxonmobil,proctor and gamble,barclay's,jds uniphase and many other companies?why do wecome to know financial information channels that also owns several mutual funds with hedge fund intelligence ?.
The article says (translated into English):
We ask the congregation in the center of Rome and the worldwide congregation in New York from 2013 onwards is to publish a balance sheet of assets and liabilities and that the world headquarters of all the national headquarters, where they are detailed all the liabilities and assets for the total benefit and transparency of world brotherhood.
I'm sure New York headquarters will get right on to that. Probably just after Armageddon starts. Or hell freezes over. Whichever comes first.
for you ex-jehovahs witnesses...and even you current ones...have you ever contemplated your future existence in paradise earth, should you be fortunate enough to end up there?
during those raucous, fun moments at the kingdom hall when you were contemplating eternity and having the times of your lives...did you ever speculate about what life would be like?
for example, would you have to walk everywhere or would you be able to fly around like superman?
Cold Steel:
Congratulations on the lamest post of the month!
You won that honour when you claimed that "to rest" = Sunday and when you suggested that human evolution = 'jumping out of the trees'.
no one I know believes that garbage about dinosaur bones. It's not Mormon doctrine, but comes from the radical Protestent teachings. If dinosaurs lived in an earth, they would have been resurrected on that Earth. All animals on all planets gain resurrection just as the animals we see on Earth.
Do you actually read your own comments. Basically you're saying, "No, we don't believe that crazy stuff. We just believe this other completely crazy stuff." This is probably even worse than the JW claim that they're not "creationists" because some creationists believe something slightly different to them.
You managed to get...let's see...oh, yes...uh, only ONE of these correct! ...
God is a resurrected, extra terrestrial, exalted human male who lives on a planet near a star called Kolob.
Seriously?! That's the one you're going with that he got 'right'? You would have sounded less crazy going with the dinosaur thing.
for you ex-jehovahs witnesses...and even you current ones...have you ever contemplated your future existence in paradise earth, should you be fortunate enough to end up there?
during those raucous, fun moments at the kingdom hall when you were contemplating eternity and having the times of your lives...did you ever speculate about what life would be like?
for example, would you have to walk everywhere or would you be able to fly around like superman?
Cold Steel:
Nope. Sabbath = Hebrew šabb³t = š³bat = to rest = Sunday.
Saturday’s sabbath was changed to the first day of the week Sabbath = Sunday.
No. That's rubbish, and entirely false etymology. There is in fact no etymological connection between "to rest" and "Sunday".
This was confirmed to the church by revelation.
Of course it was... Because 'revelation' is entirely verifiable and not at all fabricated. Are you really that gullible? Sunday was adopted by Roman Christianity instead of Saturday to make an easier transition for the conversion of sun-worshipping pagans, and probably to be seen as different from Judaism.
You mean that's where we jumped out of the trees and began walking upright?
You're just further demonstrating your ignorance. Crack a book some time.
Especially that dark matter stuff scientists promise us is out there. But it's invisible, we have no way of catching it or examining it. Still, I believe in it.
And now you're comparing religious delusions with scientific research. Hilarious.
Come on! Are those really your serious answers? Or are you just trying for laughs at your own expense?!
for you ex-jehovahs witnesses...and even you current ones...have you ever contemplated your future existence in paradise earth, should you be fortunate enough to end up there?
during those raucous, fun moments at the kingdom hall when you were contemplating eternity and having the times of your lives...did you ever speculate about what life would be like?
for example, would you have to walk everywhere or would you be able to fly around like superman?
Haven't thought it through, have they? Where's the oil wells, refineries, and pipelines - the infrastructure - to deliver the fuel? That will be a really short reconstruction effort.
Evidently™, these vehicles will be fuelled by Holy Spirit™. And if that fails (we know Jehovah™ needs a rest every now and then), they can still take turns pushing each other around in the wheelbarrows.
hi as many of you know i am a born in baptized and in good standing, but mentally out.
when i was a kid it was always you will die soon and terrible pictures of horrid destruction.
then for a number of years not so much.
Thus like the concept of boiling a frog in water increasingly heated gradually
Myth. A frog placed in water that is gradually heated will jump out once the temperature becomes uncomfortable. Unfortunately, most JWs aren't as smart as the hypothetical frogs.