I have clearly stated my position in regard to the audience of Jeremiah 29.
Yes you have. And you're wrong, as has already been thoroughly explained.
The Exile of the first deporation in 617 BCE was certainly a real exile for those exilees but a much greater Exile would take place much later which involved the entire nation and land of Judah thus beginning those 'seventy years' of Jeremiah. Such a distinction is agreed upon by Josephus and Albertz Rainer.
The Bible indicates that there were significantly more people taken into exile in 597BCE than in 587BCE.
What we do know for certainty that the Jewish captives remained in Babylon for seventy years as Jeremiah foretold would be the case.
Wrong. Continuing to ignore what is directly stated in Jeremiah 27 won't change the fact that serving Babylon didn't mean exile.
There is no need to 'wriggle like a fish' because I have Jeremiah on my side who after all was a eyewitness to those events.
No, it's been shown thoroughly that you are wrong.
You and Jeffro can 'huff and puff' about the correct translation of Jeremiah 29;10 but both of you are not Hebrew scholars or Bible translators so your opinion is 'zilch' and besides Jeffro has enough problems with 2Kings 17:1.
I have zero problems with the verse. You had to scramble for an explanation, deferring first to the abandoned Aid to Bible Understanding from 1971. Then, getting even more desperate, you appealed to The Kingdom of God is at Hand from 1944, which presents a quite different chronology to what the Watch Tower Society currently teaches. (In fact, the 1944 publication had Hoshea beginning to reign in Ahaz' actual 12th year and not the fictitious '12th year of vassalage' adoped later.)
It is interesting though that the 1944 publication had fewer discrepancies involving alignment of Judah and Israel than the JWs' current chronology. The current chronology has been adapted to have more discrepancies of a single year each, whereas the old chronology had a smaller number of more severe discrepancies.
Because it can be determined mathematically that Judah used Tishri-based years and Israel used Nisan-based years, differences in alignment by one year that are compatible with those dating systems are not shown.
Watch Tower chronology (1944) | |
Scripture | Discrepancy in alignment of |
2 Kings 1:17 | 6 or 10* |
2 Kings 15:8 | 10 |
2 Kings 15:13,17 | 10 |
2 Kings 15:23 | 10 |
2 Kings 15:27 | 10 |
2 Kings 18:9 | 1 |
2 Kings 18:10 | 1 |
Watch Tower chronology (current) | |
Scripture | Discrepancy in alignment of numbered years for Judah and Israel |
1 Kings 15:25 | 1 |
1 Kings 15:28,33 | 1 |
1 Kings 16:8 | 1 |
1 Kings 16:15,21 | 1 |
1 Kings 16:22,23 | 1 |
1 Kings 16:29 | 1 |
1 Kings 22:51 | 1 |
2 Kings 1:17 | 2 or 5* |
2 Kings 3:1 | 3 |
2 Kings 15:1 | 11 |
2 Kings 17:1 | 2 or 3 (if counting accession period) |
2 Kings 18:9 | 1 |
2 Kings 18:10 | 1 |
*For both tables, asterisk indicates the discrepancy depends on whether alignment is compared to co-regency or sole reign.
The 1944 publication had a spurious interregnum prior to Uzziah's reign of about 11 years. Unsurprising, that chronology also extended the spurious period prior to Zechariah also incorporated that additional amount (plus that mentioned further below). In the newer chronology, the extra 10 years before Uzziah were redistributed between a number of kings, mostly with a difference of only 1 year each, making them less noticeable. This is disguised by inconsistently employing the accession-year system for only some kings. The manner in which this is done strongly suggests that the efforts to hide the flaws in Watch Tower Society chronology are deliberately deceptive. However, the newer chronology still has other more obvious unresolved alignment problems as shown above.
In the 1944 chronology, the spurious period prior to Hoshea was only 8 years instead of 10 years, which meant that the problem with Ahaz 14th year did not exist in the old chart. To maintain the difference of the Watch Tower Society's 20-year gap, the corresponding extra 2 years was added to the spurious period prior to Zechariah instead.