Did they use to count the channel islands as separate lands? When did they stop?
Either the late 1990s or early 2000s if memory serves correctly. But it may have been in the service reports that used to appear in The Watchtower.
jehovah's witnesses are purportedly 'active' in 240 'lands', quite a remarkable feat for a planet with only about 200 sovereign states (206 if you count all that are recognised by at least one un member, of which jws are present in 166).
more than half of all jws worldwide are in just 10 countries.
over 90% are in 45 countries.. to achieve this mathematical miracle, various places that are not separate countries are counted as 'lands'.. tahiti is counted as a separate 'land' though it is part of the society islands, which is part of french polynesia, which is part of... france.
Did they use to count the channel islands as separate lands? When did they stop?
Either the late 1990s or early 2000s if memory serves correctly. But it may have been in the service reports that used to appear in The Watchtower.
jehovah's witnesses are purportedly 'active' in 240 'lands', quite a remarkable feat for a planet with only about 200 sovereign states (206 if you count all that are recognised by at least one un member, of which jws are present in 166).
more than half of all jws worldwide are in just 10 countries.
over 90% are in 45 countries.. to achieve this mathematical miracle, various places that are not separate countries are counted as 'lands'.. tahiti is counted as a separate 'land' though it is part of the society islands, which is part of french polynesia, which is part of... france.
Jehovah's Witnesses are purportedly 'active' in 240 'lands', quite a remarkable feat for a planet with only about 200 sovereign states (206 if you count all that are recognised by at least one UN member, of which JWs are present in 166). More than half of all JWs worldwide are in just 10 countries. Over 90% are in 45 countries.
To achieve this mathematical miracle, various places that are not separate countries are counted as 'lands'.
The 'logic' employed is not always clear:
The Watch Tower Society reports that they also preach in 30 "other lands", though there are 33 UN-member states not included in their report. Of course, if they have trouble in those countries, there's plenty of other ways to 'increase' the number of 'lands' in which they're 'active':
any body know?
They have kinda backed away from that, admitting the creative days may have been "many thousands" of years long.
the 2016 yearbook is now on the official site.
it has been added to the archive of all prior yearbooks.
and the word is... .
here it is in context, just in case you're curious about how to use this new word.. article: being faithful leads to god's approval.
w07 5/15 p. 9:
Jehovah detests literal human sacrifice, one of the wicked practices of the Canaanites.
i moved to roseburg, oregon.
the jehovah's witnesses are allowed to set up a display and man it right outside of the local library, and they are there every day and hour the library is open.
i am [redacted], the director of the douglas county library system and wanted to respond to your website email of december 11, 2015. i have consulted with the county attorneys office about your concern about jehovahs witnesses use of the front porch of the library building in roseburg, and my understanding of the law is as follows.. .
just fine:
Would they allow hate speech? Because that is what the message about the LGBT community is from the witnesses.
Unless they are actually saying things about the LGBT community on the library porch, that is entirely irrelevant.
now what is your stance?
Thirdly, an underlying principle that is part of the establishment of the copyright laws is such that the protection of ownership of "creative material" would stimulate more creative projects/endeavours. That is one of the primary purposes of copyright.
Fourthly, the publication of "fact" is not creative.
Your understanding of what constitutes "creative material" is incorrect. Though facts are not specifically subject to copyright, the manner in which facts are expressed are subject to copyright. Whether a work purports to be fictional or factual is irrelevant.
i did some reverse domain lookups to see what web domains were linked to watchtower.
i did reverse lookups on the hostmaster address, building address, and phone number.
i've sorted and deduplicated the results.. bethelres.org.
jw2020.org <-- I wonder why they feel the need to do this?
The 2016 domain name indicates that these year-based domain names are for information about special conventions in the given year.
i did some reverse domain lookups to see what web domains were linked to watchtower.
i did reverse lookups on the hostmaster address, building address, and phone number.
i've sorted and deduplicated the results.. bethelres.org.
I have often wondered why they have mirrored other websites to go to their JW.Org site anyways. Like the ps8318 site.ps8318 = Psalm 83:18. It's not particularly surprising that they have registered domain names based on some of their favourite Bible verses as redirects to their website or as placeholders for future sites. (Hence hag27, heb412, isa4310, lu2343, mr1310, mt1016, mt1130, mt2414, mt711, pr221-22, pr2711, pr418, ps8318, re213-4, zac823.)
hello community,.
my question in a nutshell is whether there is justification in celebrating worldly holidays, such as the 4th of july in the usa?.
let's look at a parallel.
Jeffro is this why the Jews don't consider Daniel a prophet and actually its said these are "writings" or stories ( historians say pure fantasy and not historical) because the Maccabees were not god approved as such? Just wondered. It certainly seems that the Millerites and end time lot like the JWs are the only ones who set any great store in Daniel, is this not so? Do let me know if anyone knows anything please?
There is broad consensus among scholars that the book of Daniel was written by anonymous authors in the middle of the 2nd century BCE, and there are no references to it earlier than that period. The Jews considered the prophetic canon to be closed by the beginning of the 2nd century BCE. The first six chapters appear to be adapted from older folk tales, and as explained in the article I linked, re-worked to fit the theme of banning and subsequent restoration of Jewish worship under Antiochus IV. Chapters 2-6 were not even originally written in the same language as the rest of the book. Chapter 4 doesn't even claim to be written by 'Daniel', but is instead supposedly narrated by Nebuchadnezzar (but it borrows from an older tale about Nabonidus).