As usual their ‘special campaign’ is kind of trite. It’s really just keeping the members (though not actually ‘members’ according to the updated ’Shepherd’ book) busy giving out extra copies of The Watchtower. ‘Government officials’ won’t be the least bit interested in the ‘message’ from the not-the-locusts-anymore. After the dramatic statement that it’s “time to take action”, their proposed ‘action’ is to wait an undefined amount of time until their imaginary friend kills almost everyone.
It’s possible their intent is to get governments to increase their opposition to the extremist views of Jehovah’s Witnesses, except their endtimes scenario (e.g. initial destruction of all religions except Jehovah’s Witnesses) is so unrealistic that it will be mostly just brushed off as nonsense, and most democratic countries give a lot of latitude for people having whatever crackpot religious views they like.