(Millenarianism got autocorrected to millennialism in the second paragraph of the previous comment, but the point is still clear and there is some overlap in the meanings anyway.)
Posts by Jeffro
Simple Question Re 1914
by Slidin Fast inwt claims that satan was thrown out of heaven in october 1914 precipitating ww!
and the end times.
a small problem with that is ww1 started on july 28th 1914 whilst satan was still in heaven picking his nose.. how did we not see this and waste years of precious life?
Simple Question Re 1914
by Slidin Fast inwt claims that satan was thrown out of heaven in october 1914 precipitating ww!
and the end times.
a small problem with that is ww1 started on july 28th 1914 whilst satan was still in heaven picking his nose.. how did we not see this and waste years of precious life?
Recent published historical research on the origins of the Bible Student's movement later becoming known as Jehovah's Witnesses shows that the early roots were not of Adventism and mainstream Protestantism but the 'Millenarian (Age-to-Come, Literalist) movement with such prophetic study from the start of the 17th century.
No, you’ve made a category error. 🤦♂️ Millenarians (specifically the belief in Christ’s second advent bringing about the 1,000 year reign) are Adventists. You may be confusing the term Adventist with the more specific ‘7th-day Adventists’ or some other offshoot. And the connections between the Millerite and Bible Student movements are well established. And all of them are offshoots of Protestantism.
If you really want to get specific, I suppose you could say JWs developed via the Bible Student movement via Adventism via Millerism via millennialism via Protestantism, but it still doesn’t get around their Adventist origins via Protestantism 😂
Simple Question Re 1914
by Slidin Fast inwt claims that satan was thrown out of heaven in october 1914 precipitating ww!
and the end times.
a small problem with that is ww1 started on july 28th 1914 whilst satan was still in heaven picking his nose.. how did we not see this and waste years of precious life?
WW 2 was far worse than AD70 to the Jews.
Entirely irrelevant.
The (anonymous) authors of the gospels, writing after the destruction of Jerusalem but framing it as before to give the appearance of ‘prophecy’, expected other supernatural things to happen shortly after that destruction based on their religious superstitions. Those things simply didn’t happen, and Christians have been making up alternative interpretations ever since. The failure of the original expectations is not ‘evidence’ that it ‘just hasn’t happened yet’.
Simple Question Re 1914
by Slidin Fast inwt claims that satan was thrown out of heaven in october 1914 precipitating ww!
and the end times.
a small problem with that is ww1 started on july 28th 1914 whilst satan was still in heaven picking his nose.. how did we not see this and waste years of precious life?
The alleged 'regurgitate of JW dogma' accords very nicely to that of leading Bible commentaries so we are in a good position, don't you think?
JW eschatology is based on Adventism derived from Protestantism so it is entirely unremarkable that it shares some interpretations with those found in Protestant commentaries. It seems you don’t even understand the origin of your own preferred denomination. 🤦♂️ Via Russell and Rutherford, the Watch Tower Society took the nuttiest parts of Protestantism and somehow made it worse. 🤣 Not a good place at all.
And you still can’t show any support for your view from the actual source material.
Simple Question Re 1914
by Slidin Fast inwt claims that satan was thrown out of heaven in october 1914 precipitating ww!
and the end times.
a small problem with that is ww1 started on july 28th 1914 whilst satan was still in heaven picking his nose.. how did we not see this and waste years of precious life?
'scholar':Be that as it may, for the Olivet Discourse requires interpretation on two levels: a first-century fulfilment with the destruction of Jerusalem and a later fulfilment with Christ's Parousia beginning in 1914 CE. The direct statements from vs 15 31 prove that there is a mixture of the timing that was to occur prior to 70 CE and after 1914 CE.The chosen ones in the first instance refer to Jesus' disciples and the latter refers to His anointed ones living after 1914 or at the time of His Parousia.
None of the statements in Matthew 24:15-31 say, suggest or require any "mixture of the timing", and no part of it indicates anything about 1914. But feel free to specify the "direct statements" that you imagine support your position.Incorrect. The chosen ones referred to in vss.20 -22 are a different group as to timing as this group are of the first century and the chosen ones are of a future time, the time of His Parousia or when the Son of man will appear in glory. Plain and simple!!! LOL
Thanks for demonstrating once again that you can't point to anything specific in the source material to support your (the Watch Tower Society's) position. Instead, you just regurgitate JW dogma.
Simple Question Re 1914
by Slidin Fast inwt claims that satan was thrown out of heaven in october 1914 precipitating ww!
and the end times.
a small problem with that is ww1 started on july 28th 1914 whilst satan was still in heaven picking his nose.. how did we not see this and waste years of precious life?
You only have to read those pericopes that deal with or mention the 'chosen ones' and the part that they play in the outworking of the Olivet Discourse. The Olivet Discourse has and will continue to be the subject of interpretation but ours is better or superior to your interpretation because we see that it is to a large part -eschatological especially from vs 29 ff in Matt 24 notwithstanding that from vss. 4-28 has noth a dual fulfilment in prophecy and history.
Drivel. The 'chosen ones' are mentioned in verses 20, 22 and 27 of Matthew chapter 24, wherein it says that after they survive the 'tribulation' (which is 'cut short on their account'), then the 'parousia' occurs at which time they are 'gathered'. None of this supports the JW dogma that the tribulation happens during the 'parousia'.
Simple Question Re 1914
by Slidin Fast inwt claims that satan was thrown out of heaven in october 1914 precipitating ww!
and the end times.
a small problem with that is ww1 started on july 28th 1914 whilst satan was still in heaven picking his nose.. how did we not see this and waste years of precious life?
Events that are expected come at the appropriate time and not the time of our choosing and the events that did occur give us confidence that future, expected events will occur at the appointed time.
This is simply magical thinking.
Jesus' presence or Parousia is described by many events which proved that he was present marked by its definite beginning as King ruling from the appointed time of 1914 CE to be climaxed by the Great Tribulation with the coming of the Son of Man for such events are built on the earlier fulfilment of prophecies or signs pertaining to Jerusalem. In short, the events of the First century in response to that first of three questions undergo the future fulfilment relating to Jesus' answer to the two questions in Matt. 24:3.
You're just spouting JW indoctrination. But as far as what the Bible actually says, Jesus' 'parousia' is expressly described as only being after the 'tribulation', and it has nothing at all to do with 1914.
Nothing that actually happened in 1799, 1874, 1878 or 1914 was actually relevant to any stories in the Bible. Rutherford subsequently ditched Russell's claims about 1799, 1874 and 1878 to focus on 1914, but all of it remains superstitious nonsense. A war began in 1914, and the Watch Tower Society has latched on to that ever since, but as far as what Russell had actually 'predicted' (and current JW dogma), it was an entirely different thing and in the wrong month.
Simple Question Re 1914
by Slidin Fast inwt claims that satan was thrown out of heaven in october 1914 precipitating ww!
and the end times.
a small problem with that is ww1 started on july 28th 1914 whilst satan was still in heaven picking his nose.. how did we not see this and waste years of precious life?
And 1914 is not there. It is only there to those who are willing to accept a man-made organization's convoluted assumption based non-scholarly speculations. And that's the truth.
Not sure why you're attributing someone else's comment to me. Anyway...
Luke 21:24 with its 'Gentile Times' puts 1914 right there in the centre of Lukan Eschatology and it is there because one can easily discern the dual application of the Olivet Discourse based on a literal fulfilment in the first century then telescoping into a much larger and future fulfilment characteristic of events evident from 1914 CE.
Entirely wrong. The grammar of the original text of Luke 21:24 indicates a period that hadn't started yet, and Revelation 11:2 identifies the period as 3.5 years. It has no association with anything in Daniel.
Date of Adam's "Creation?
by Slidin Fast inhow do jws resolve these conflicting facts.. 1. no matter how you spin it, bible chronology calculates to circa 4000 bc for adam's creation.
i followed the trail many years ago and that's what it adds up to.. 2. the most cursory investigation of any branch of relevant science puts man's habitation on the earth as hugely earlier than that.
it's now so well-proved that anyone disputing it is guilty of wilful ignorance.
Disillusioned JW:
What was once the Garden of Eden is now under a portion of the Persian Gulf
Various sites have been proposed as locations for the Garden of Eden, but none are in any way verifiable.
In the program a scientist using satellite imaging found the channels of all four of the rivers mentioned in Genesis 2:10-14 which Genesis says pinpoints the location of the Garden of Eden!
The location of two of the rivers is entirely speculative, and the 'discovery' relies on distorting details of the story. But even if Eden were 'found', it would lend no more credence to the story in the Bible than finding New York would 'prove' Spider-Man is real.
Jeffro, you are thus correct in saying the flood story based on a local flood in Mesopotamia, but it was an emense flood.
It is only 'correct' to the extent that floods are a relatively common thing that happen to people who live near water. It isn't some kind of notable discovery that 'there was a flood' in a place where flooding could reasonably be expected to happen. Nor is it remarkable that flood stories around the world would include consistent themes of people surviving a flood in order to write about it, and the borrowed flood myth in Genesis is typical of such stories.
Date of Adam's "Creation?
by Slidin Fast inhow do jws resolve these conflicting facts.. 1. no matter how you spin it, bible chronology calculates to circa 4000 bc for adam's creation.
i followed the trail many years ago and that's what it adds up to.. 2. the most cursory investigation of any branch of relevant science puts man's habitation on the earth as hugely earlier than that.
it's now so well-proved that anyone disputing it is guilty of wilful ignorance.
the WTS are young-earth creationists wether they like it or not
They are day-age creationists.
Though they have stepped away from directly stating that the 'creative days' were 7,000 years each, they still never say the 'days' were millions or billions or years, only ever saying that all the 'creative days' together may have been "many thousands" of years (though Insight says "at least thousands"), and they have never expressly stated that the 'creative days' were not 7,000 years each. (Though they allow for the period between 'the beginning' and the 'first day' to be millions or billions of years.)