You know very well this did not happen in 70.
Indeed. It was expected shortly after that though. Their expectations were simply wrong, and Christians have been making up other interpretations ever since.
take for example revelation 21: 10. .
“….and he showed me the holy city jerusalem coming down out of heaven from god.
here john sees something happening, action.
You know very well this did not happen in 70.
Indeed. It was expected shortly after that though. Their expectations were simply wrong, and Christians have been making up other interpretations ever since.
i'm sure this has been discussed, but 1914 has to go away.
instead of, the overlapping generation teaching, they should have just ditched 1914. .
they should have done that a long time ago with 1975. it's the last of the teachings in the charles taze russell era.. i'm thinking they just will stop talking about it, and it will be out of the mind of the rank and file loyal witnesses .
No problem for its an explanation of the servitude of Judah principally for 70 years commensurate with other nations which at that time Babylon was the World Power inaugurated in 607 BCE.
Ah yes, the JW (Adventist) doctrine of the ‘march of the World Powers’. Except, in their own doctrine, the World Power immediately before Babylon was… Assyria. And Babylon’s final conquest of Assyria was in… 609 BCE. This is completely consistent with all the nations serving Babylon for 70 years until it was conquered by Persia in 539 BCE. Even though this could be presented as some remarkable ‘fulfilment of Bible prophecy’ (though the texts were heavily edited after the events), this is not convenient for JW dogma. What a tangled web of fantasy indeed. 😂
i'm sure this has been discussed, but 1914 has to go away.
instead of, the overlapping generation teaching, they should have just ditched 1914. .
they should have done that a long time ago with 1975. it's the last of the teachings in the charles taze russell era.. i'm thinking they just will stop talking about it, and it will be out of the mind of the rank and file loyal witnesses .
Go away and play with your pretty charts and lose yourself in a tangled web of fantasy.
Notice how ‘scholar’ dismissively refers to ‘pretty charts’ and (in other posts) ambiguous complaints about ‘methodology’ but does not rebut any specific content. If he were confident in his position, or at least sincere, he could instead go through point by point, indicating specific problems. 586 or 587?
But at the crux of every debate with ‘scholar’, you’ll always end up at ‘that doesn’t account for the 70 years of exile [that isn’t mentioned anywhere]’.
i'm sure this has been discussed, but 1914 has to go away.
instead of, the overlapping generation teaching, they should have just ditched 1914. .
they should have done that a long time ago with 1975. it's the last of the teachings in the charles taze russell era.. i'm thinking they just will stop talking about it, and it will be out of the mind of the rank and file loyal witnesses .
You have made certain claims about this tablet that in some way supports 587 BCE and I have said that this document supports 607 BCE.
Poor ‘scholar’ seems oblivious to the fact that asserting BM 21946 supports 607 BCE (without any possibility of 606 or 608) only reinforces the fact that there is no ambiguity regarding the correct identification of 587 when the erroneous 20-year gap in JW chronology is removed. 😂
Of course, on its own BM 21946 doesn’t say anything about Jerusalem’s destruction at all. But when the biblical chronology is considered in light of the dating of the first siege identified in BM 21946 (not to mention all the other contemporary records of the neo-Babylonian period), 587 BCE is confirmed as the correct year.
When dealing with someone who thinks ‘all the nations serving Babylon for 70 years’ really means ‘70 years of Jewish exile’, there is no point trying to engage that person logically. But other readers can see the JW nonsense for what it is.
i'm sure this has been discussed, but 1914 has to go away.
instead of, the overlapping generation teaching, they should have just ditched 1914. .
they should have done that a long time ago with 1975. it's the last of the teachings in the charles taze russell era.. i'm thinking they just will stop talking about it, and it will be out of the mind of the rank and file loyal witnesses .
I don’t care what you ‘require’, nor about your tedious misrepresentation of what I said. Your nutty 607 doctrine is thoroughly wrong from every angle. You’re clearly beyond help, as recently demonstrated by your pitifully sad ‘interpretation’ of Babylon’s 70 years at Jeremiah 25:11. This isn’t some balanced difference of opinion open for ‘dialogue’. Your unfounded position is thoroughly wrong. You can go away until I feel like trouncing you at another juncture.
i'm sure this has been discussed, but 1914 has to go away.
instead of, the overlapping generation teaching, they should have just ditched 1914. .
they should have done that a long time ago with 1975. it's the last of the teachings in the charles taze russell era.. i'm thinking they just will stop talking about it, and it will be out of the mind of the rank and file loyal witnesses .
😂 You claim to understand this subject but you need every little thing explained. 🤦♂️ Parroting the number of lines on the tablet is pointless when it is obvious that you don’t understand the content or how publication of the tablet aided with establishing the chronology of Nebuchadnezzar. I have sufficiently shown other readers the depth of your cognitive dissonance for now. You may go.
i'm sure this has been discussed, but 1914 has to go away.
instead of, the overlapping generation teaching, they should have just ditched 1914. .
they should have done that a long time ago with 1975. it's the last of the teachings in the charles taze russell era.. i'm thinking they just will stop talking about it, and it will be out of the mind of the rank and file loyal witnesses .
🤦♂️ Given his ineptness, I’m not really surprised that ‘scholar’ is waiting for something that was never suggested and isn’t the purpose of BM 21946, while glossing over the fact that it contradicts JW chronology during the actual period that the tablet addresses. He probably doesn’t even understand what the contradiction is. Pathetic.
maybe this has been discussed in the past and i wasn't here... what do you think?
are the gb members knowingly pulling a con, or do they have delusions of grandeur?
i will go out on a limb here to say that i think they are con artist.
take for example revelation 21: 10. .
“….and he showed me the holy city jerusalem coming down out of heaven from god.
here john sees something happening, action.
And… you’re wrong.
The ‘great tribulation’ described in Revelation is the same one. You just don’t understand the genre. 😔
take for example revelation 21: 10. .
“….and he showed me the holy city jerusalem coming down out of heaven from god.
here john sees something happening, action.
In his defense, it’s not quite 2000 years yet. 😂