'scholar' will continue to deny reality. But for honest readers, the following extract from Parker & Dubberstein confirms, as I previously stated, that the first day of Nisan 588BCE (i.e. Nebuchadnezzar's 17 year) was 4 April and the first day of Nisan 568BCE (i.e. Nebuchadnezzar's 37th year) was 23 April. Babylonian Chronology - 626B.C.-A.D. 75, Parker & Dubberstein, page 28:
And of course, not only do Parker and Dubberstein's tables show that Nisan didn't start in May in 588BCE, but the 21 pages of tables further confirm that Nisan never starts in May (and Simanu never begins in July either for that matter despite the dishonest Watch Tower footnote). Incidentally, "2/3 May" (Julian calendar) as claimed by the Watch Tower Society was also never the first day of the second month in any year during Nebuchadnezzar's reign, and the table above shows 4 May as the first day of Aru in 588BCE (which would be 3/4 May starting from the previous evening).
I did make one error in previous comments though: there was no intercalary month immediately prior to Nisan of 588BCE (but there was one at the end of that year), which just means the Watch Tower Society's lie about their misapplication of VAT4956 is even worse.
But despite the facts in black and white (and some highlighter), 'scholar' and other JW cronies will continue to lie and reject reality.