At last, Jeffro now states more correctly that NIsan for 588 BCE begins on April 4 as shown in P&D's table for this is reality and does not show April 3. because PD begins from midnight and not the evening.
This is typical of the nonsense the apologist tries. In one comment, I correctly stated that a Babylonian calendar day started on the evening of April 3, which is the day of April 4. There was no inconsistency at all, but the dishonest ‘scholar’ tries to claim something was acknowledged ‘at last’.
However, PD show that in 588 BCE there was an intercalary month Addaru II preceding Nisan 588
No. It doesn’t. You are blatantly dishonest.
Note that there was actually an intercalary month before Nisan of 587BCE, which is of no help to the lying apologist.
VAT 4956 mentions an eclipse, of the third month Simanu on the 15th day- June 30/July 1
Simanu never starts in July. The false association of an eclipse on 15 Simanu (5 July 568BCE) with one on 15 July 588BCE is a Watch Tower Society contrivance, which only further demonstrates their dishonesty and yours. (Note that ‘scholar’ has again claimed here that the 15th day of Simanu was July 1, but the Watch Tower footnote actually asserts that 15 Simanu was 15 July and that Simanu began July 1.)