I find it interesting that one observes an intercalary month associated with the PD table for the same year- 588 BCE and similar an intercalary month assigned for Neb's 37th year in VAR 4956.
The particularly embarrassing part of all this is that Parker and Dubberstein’s tables do not allow for the 20-year gap in JW chronology for the neo-Babylonian period. So rather than trying to fit observations from the actual year 588BCE to VAT4956, the JW cronies should be looking at the actual year 568BCE, which JWs call 588BCE. Then they could say that VAT 4956 actually does support that year without making obviously false claims about Babylonian months starting at impossible times. But that would distort later astronomical observations during the neo-Babylonian period, including those that confirm 539BCE as the year Cyrus conquered Babylon.
For their alternative chronology, they need to insert 20 years somewhere between 559BCE after the known years of Evil-Merodach and 541BCE allowing at least three years for Belshazzar indicated in Daniel, but they can’t be more specific because they have no evidence for any intervening kings. Not to mention the fact that cuneiform documents indicate the explicit transitions of all the known kings.