We know, of course, that Furuli's works are those of a Watch Tower Sociey shill. But what about Newton? Here's an excerpt from a review of Newton's The Crime of Claudius Ptolemy (link to full article below quote).
Science (24 February 1978, vol. 199, issue 4331, page 872), by Bernard R. Goldstein, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh:
Unfortunately, Newton's arguments in support of these charges are marred by all manner of distortions, misunderstandings, and excesses of rhetoric due to an intensely polemical style.
Importantly, though, we should not lose sight of the fact that VAT 4956 isn't the work of Ptolemy, and 'scholar' still has no evidence that the solstice in VAT 4956 was calculated rather than observed. And regardless of whether it were observed or calculated, assigning 9 July 588 BCE for the solstice in question is impossible.