The other tactic employed here is focusing attention on details in the tablets that appear consistent (in isolation) or that the person imagines are consistent, and ignoring other details that show their position to be wildly incorrect. This is a form of the ‘Texas sharp-shooter’ fallacy.
Posts by Jeffro
VAT4956 - 530 BC destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar
by jwposter inin my studies, i have concluded that year 530 bc was when the destruction of jerusalem occurred and the temple destroyed.
i had determined this prior to investigation of vat4956.
i had already found that the jubilees, sabbaticals, courses of the priests, and chronology attested to this.
VAT4956 - 530 BC destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar
by jwposter inin my studies, i have concluded that year 530 bc was when the destruction of jerusalem occurred and the temple destroyed.
i had determined this prior to investigation of vat4956.
i had already found that the jubilees, sabbaticals, courses of the priests, and chronology attested to this.
joey jojo:
In 588 , Saturn wasnt anywhere near the swallow. This stuff is not hard to understand.
True, but this guy is bringing a different brand of nonsense and saying Nebuchadnezzar’s 37th year was ‘really’ 512 BCE. Which is even more wrong than the JW nonsense. I’ve already demonstrated that the planetary positions in VAT4956 are not consistent with his novel drivel.
VAT4956 - 530 BC destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar
by jwposter inin my studies, i have concluded that year 530 bc was when the destruction of jerusalem occurred and the temple destroyed.
i had determined this prior to investigation of vat4956.
i had already found that the jubilees, sabbaticals, courses of the priests, and chronology attested to this.
Indeed. Note that jwposter conveniently ignored my post on the first page of this thread about the solstice and planetary observations that conflict with his novel hypothesis.
VAT4956 - 530 BC destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar
by jwposter inin my studies, i have concluded that year 530 bc was when the destruction of jerusalem occurred and the temple destroyed.
i had determined this prior to investigation of vat4956.
i had already found that the jubilees, sabbaticals, courses of the priests, and chronology attested to this.
Calling me superstitious is just an Ad Hominem attack.
That would only be the case if my assessment of your claims were based on the fact that you are superstitious. I have specifically demonstrated that your views are incorrect based on your incorrect assessment of the sources.
VAT4956 - 530 BC destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar
by jwposter inin my studies, i have concluded that year 530 bc was when the destruction of jerusalem occurred and the temple destroyed.
i had determined this prior to investigation of vat4956.
i had already found that the jubilees, sabbaticals, courses of the priests, and chronology attested to this.
Based on what Scholar said
That’s never a good start
am I to assume that Jeffro is the one that owns the vat4956 site?
Obviously not. And why would I say my own site is trash? What is wrong with you?
At this point I have to conclude either that you’re a troll or otherwise not competent to discuss these topics.
VAT4956 - 530 BC destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar
by jwposter inin my studies, i have concluded that year 530 bc was when the destruction of jerusalem occurred and the temple destroyed.
i had determined this prior to investigation of vat4956.
i had already found that the jubilees, sabbaticals, courses of the priests, and chronology attested to this.
You see the omitted is for the eclipse occurring 6 months later. But not for the first one (May 14th). That first occurrence IS observed otherwise it would have said omitted for that one also. Obviously there is 2 eclipses since they occur 6 lunar synodic cycles apart. It is that 2nd one that is omitted and not visible.
Entirely wrong. There were only two eclipses in 603 BCE (Nebuchadnezzar’s 2nd year), and LBAT1420 references both of them. The ‘omitted’ eclipse in question is mentioned before the reference to the insertion of an intercalary month after month VI, and necessarily refers to the eclipse in May. The 2nd eclipse in that year was explicitly observed.
(There are some Saros cycles not mentioned at all in LBAT1420, but they are cycles for which none of the eclipses were visible from Babylon, as distinct from eclipses indicated as ‘omitted’ for Saros cycles they knew about.)
You’re not good at this. Just go away.
VAT4956 - 530 BC destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar
by jwposter inin my studies, i have concluded that year 530 bc was when the destruction of jerusalem occurred and the temple destroyed.
i had determined this prior to investigation of vat4956.
i had already found that the jubilees, sabbaticals, courses of the priests, and chronology attested to this.
Good grief, now ‘scholar’ is here. Maybe you two can just chat amongst yourselves about your competing superstitions. 🤷♂️
I looked at that site already Jeffro - previous to your mention of it.
I didn’t mention any site. And the site ‘scholar’ referenced is trash.
I just care about the Truth and want to make sure where I can that I take part in shining it ii n darkness.
By ‘Truth’ (capitalised), you actually mean your own religious superstitions. You’ve provided ample evidence that you don’t care about actual truth.
Just go away.
Old Greek Daniel's Son of Man
by peacefulpete inagain this is large topic, some of which has been discussed elsewhere on this site.
the basic question i want to discuss is the identification of the 'someone like a son of man" in daniel 7. as we all know christians understood the figure to be the messiah (christ), so the question posed is did the author intend it to be a singular personage or a collective symbol of the holy of israel as jews typically read it?
or how about the unexpected idea that the "someone like a son of man" was the very same character as the "ancient of days" in another role?.
The date was moved up to 164, to coincide with new data on the death of Antiochus as no battle in 165 can be confirmed.
Antiochus certainly didn’t ‘just give it back’ after he was dead, and he died in (what is now part of) Iran. The timing of the rededication of the temple is consistent with 165 BCE, though the actual events are certainly in question. Whether the battle of Emmaus actually happened as described (in 165 BCE), it was (purportedly) led by Lysias, while Antiochus was going to Ecbatana, so there isn’t a need to move the event based on the death of Antiochus (who wasn’t at Jerusalem in or around December of either year).
I merely pointed to the later article in MyJewishLearning that uses the new dates to save time.
My conclusions are not based on the citation from MyJewishLearning. I simply cited that site to demonstrate that there is variation in what sources say. But it is not at all new for sources to vacillate between 165 BCE and 164 BCE for the rededication of the temple.
VAT4956 - 530 BC destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar
by jwposter inin my studies, i have concluded that year 530 bc was when the destruction of jerusalem occurred and the temple destroyed.
i had determined this prior to investigation of vat4956.
i had already found that the jubilees, sabbaticals, courses of the priests, and chronology attested to this.
Just go away.
Old Greek Daniel's Son of Man
by peacefulpete inagain this is large topic, some of which has been discussed elsewhere on this site.
the basic question i want to discuss is the identification of the 'someone like a son of man" in daniel 7. as we all know christians understood the figure to be the messiah (christ), so the question posed is did the author intend it to be a singular personage or a collective symbol of the holy of israel as jews typically read it?
or how about the unexpected idea that the "someone like a son of man" was the very same character as the "ancient of days" in another role?.
What You Need to Know About the Hanukkah Story,
In three years, the Maccabees cleared the way back to the Temple Mount, which they reclaimed. They cleaned the Temple and dismantled the defiled altar and constructed a new one in its place. Three years to the day after Antiochus’ mad rampage (Kislev 25, 165 BCE), the Maccabees held a dedication (hanukkah) of the Temple with proper sacrifice, rekindling of the golden menorah, and eight days of celebration and praise to God. [Proper] Jewish worship had been reestablished.