Good grief. You're just doubling down on your nonsense that assumes your conclusions. Just stop.
Clement of Alexandria quoted the year of Jesus birth very well with saying that it was 194 years, 1 month, and 13 days before the death of Commodus.
So? Clement, a Christian theologian, relies on Christian traditions that had developed up until his time. But putting Jesus' birth in 3BC would be after Herod's death, and the story breaks anyway. The date Clement assigns is one of various suggested dates by early so-called 'Christian fathers', because they actually didn't know the date. This is just more 'Texas sharp shooter' nonsense.
We know that Jesus death was in 31 AD because that is the 1st year of the 40 years to the Destruction of the 2nd Temple by the Romans. That destruction and 40 years also serving the type for those that follow Bible Typology.
Aside from this being superstitious nonsense at its core, it's obviously wrong if you're going by this 'typology' drivel, because 27 March 31 CE to 30 August 70 CE is less than a full 40 years anyway. You would need to start from 30 CE to fulfil 40 years by the time the temple was destroyed.
The traditional date of Jesus' death in the 'gospels' is unverifiable, and rooted in superstition to connect it to Jewish tradition about the Passover. We don't know the actual date of Jesus' death at all. But based on the traditional dating, he would have more likely died on 7 April 30 CE.