There has definitely been a change to the appeals process there is no point standing there saying there hasn’t.
Maybe there has. Fairly certain the actual appeals process isn't just "all they have to do is say they want to appeal and that they are sorry and that’s it".
The point is, as previously stated:
Slim's post doesn't even cover whatever is actually different with the appeals process, it's explicitly "reading between the lines". It just outlines that the elders might try a bit harder to get the person to say they're sorry before the decision reached by the first round of meetings. None of it indicates any actual change to the appeals process at all. And still nothing at all about whether anything is different at all if the elders decide someone has 'disassociated'.And what good is it if a circuit overseer tells elders there are some other provisions if regular members aren’t told about them?
The full information about the appeals process in the letter sent out is:
25. What if a wrongdoer gives evidence of genuine repentance only when he meets with the appeal committee? If both the original committee and the appeal committee agree that a wrongdoer is genuinely repentant when he meets with the appeal committee, he may remain in the congregation. This adjusts what is stated in the Shepherd book, chapter 17, paragraph 7, point 2. The appeal committee would meet only one time with the individual.There is no indication of any other change to the appeals process itself at all. Still must be a written letter within 7 days per the information provided from Watch Tower. Everything else in chapter 17 of the Shepherd book about appeals is unchanged.