'scholar' is a bombastic apologist so I don't really hold any hope for him. But in case any new readers want to know how 587 BCE is confirmed as the correct year, the most direct (but not only) method is as follows.
The Battle of Carchemish occurred in the summer
of 605 BCE (confirmed by relative astronomical observations
during the reign of Nebuchadnezzar in LBAT 1420), which Jeremiah 46:2 says was during Jehoiakim’s 4th year.
This constrains the possible dating systems in Jeremiah to Nisan/accession (starting from the year that began in Nisan of 609 BCE) or
Tishri/non-accession for kings of Judah. Zedekiah's 11th year in either reckoning necessarily corresponds to 587 BCE.
'scholar' will bleat about 'pretty charts' because that seems to be the extent of his intellectual capacity, but if any honest readers have questions, feel free to ask.