You certainly make assumptions. Just read your article or better still if you were to provide a proper PDF without its silly ads then I could refer you to specific paragraphs.
Lamest excuse ever. Seriously… ‘can’t refer to a specific paragraph because ads’. 🙄🤣 I’m not going to change the format just to pander to your special needs, nor do I see the need to pay more for hosting just so you don’t have some minor inconvenience.
Back on topic, poor ‘scholar’ seems to imagine I haven’t considered Thiele’s view. In the 1940s, Thiele’s chronology placed the Battle of Carchemish in the summer of 604 BCE. However, in 1956 after publication of the Babylonian chronicles, Thiele was forced to acknowledge that the battle was actually in 605 BCE. But he was desperate to retain his claims about the fall of Jerusalem occurring in 586 BCE. Thiele correctly deduced that the books of Kings and Jeremiah use Tishri dating for kings of Judah, but incorrectly concluded it was Tishri/accession dating so that Zedekiah’s 11th year would align with 586 BCE. However, to apply consistent reckoning for Jehoiakim’s reign would require either that Jehoiakim had a 12th regnal year (13 including accession year) or that the battle of Carchemish was in the summer of Jehoiakim‘s 3rd year (depending on Thiele’s deliberations about whether Jehoiakim began to reign before or after the start of Tishri 609 BCE, though it is now known it could not have been before anyway). Neither conclusion is consistent with the Bible.
On the other hand, I have reconciled all of the relevant verses. The siege ended in July 587 BCE. Correct application of the dating systems consequently identities the start of the siege in January 589 BCE.