Yes - they think those who have something they WANT have to 'share' with them - many are there to fleece. I learned hard and fast. They're too lazy to get a real job plus they want to waste time with the mucky-mucks in field service knowing they have to lock step to fit into the clique. They make the worldly folk look wonderful - and many are but there are some good JWs who are ethical and have a fear of god (whatever) or good conscience/good people whether you fit into their comfort zone/world or not. They are rare. Most only act decent when they want something. I experienced this more than I care to recall -- heard this so much from a couple that were in the medical world (professionals) - JWs are full of stage work.
Like I was told by a PO - avoid situations hiring/dealing -- avoid all those situations so I learned to duck but was hounded by elders on their own initiative to help this loser or another -- it's quite a con game inside. Some of those good hearted elders pimp for their faves and I know their intentions were good -- until they learned otherwise! They don't care if they rob or snob you (the cons) because you have to forgive them - (oh - and it's a family) what a concept!