Red is a fabulous color and perhaps many of you don't look good in it -- be my guess and not your vitriol/hatred for President Trump because Ole Hil lost even to Democratic states where it's been impossible to lose - like for decades! We've all lived through our women/acquaintances/friends wearing the frumpy/dumpy Hilary tee shirts and not for one term but for at least a decade now or since the first time she was a candidate -- at least a couple of times. Oh my, are they dumpy tee shirts. I was even 'gifted' with a couple - they made great oil painting rags cut up in pieces. Somehow we survived the Obama depression years -- volunteers have never witnessed so many young children in the school district hungry and dependent on charitable handouts to survive. Criminal acts encouraged by the left and the elite-supported Antifa is more evidence of why Trump was elected.
Keep America Great - so time to buy the new Trump RED caps - KAG! They're so darn cute -- can't wait!
Who would ever base their color palette on something off of Twitter/Amazon/Google - all leftists --- no one is that insecure!