LHG - lolol - thx for the chuckles and understand/agree. It's interesting and I've often wondered how many attend and never contribute - especially PIMOs/love it! Do you think they might sell off all congregations - now I'm starting to believe in the magic of religion!
The JW beggars and thieves will find handouts - it's called the gov't plus there's plenty of churches on every street corner that help those in need. The JW head cases (beggars) might have to believe in heaven for a change/lolol. They can find work - not the aged x-bethelites perhaps but they'd qualify for medicaid/welfare. I'm not saying its adequate (I'm not saying it's not, either!). I know couple hairdressers on medicaid and two others in the beauty service industry (doubt they paid any taxes) and thrilled with medicaid's health coverage - better than medicare and think it includes housing in some cases. There are people living in institutions for the aged/infirm (assisted living/memory care facilities and the nicer ones -- those who can afford pay out thousands $ monthly! - I know/see it daily/weekly having a family member a resident in one) on medicaid and pay ZERO/nothing all because of the taxpayer and medicaid. I didn't know any JWs handing out money to the misfits - the clergy class was always hitting a couple of us up for their fave pioneers/special popular losers.
The ole cult won't close all halls as long as there's money to be made and there will always be hurting/needy humans so the market is still ripe for harvest.