Texas medical professionals having issues prescribing the life-saving meds - I'm shocked. I know there's five (5) loon states (or were) and NV and California for sure but thought the governor of TX was allowing it. This is crazy.
Sea Breeze - doctors in NV are suing the governor here. Meds can be used but not on an out-patient basis and the most effective one, Hydroxychloroquine, needs to be prescribed immediately to COVID 19 victims. One has to be close to death and on a vent w/the hospital receiving mega bucks from Medicare to be prescribed Hydroxychloroquine. It's an ugly situation. Many are on twitter re/the governor who apparently hoarded the hydroxychloroquine and is allowing the prisoners to be treated with. His health expert isn't even licensed - or so i've read. Haven't confirmed. He tried to close down the gun stores several wks. ago but lawyers jumped right on it and he didn't have the law on his side to do that - fortunately. There's no law on his side or the states re/his banning the hydroxychloroquine - I might not understand how that works but I'm glad the medical community is standing up and filed lawsuit(s) to the stasi here.
People fleeing California - and there were many before COVID 19 - are considering Utah rather than NV now. Going to be tough on tourists if they get sick here - no outpatient meds. This is not good. Go on twitter and check out Sisolak - Hydroxychloroquine - it's unreal.