kingpelican - I agree. Delusional liberals while in awe of their fascist leaders having protection via GUNS need to sell their crazy somewhere else for a change. Thugs are running around with Illegal/unregistered guns but the upright, do-gooder, tax paying, citizens, are finally waking up to the fact they need to protect themselves and their property. I've never touched a firearm not even to move around in my locked dressing room - locked so housekeepers can't steal my clothes, etc. Think I'll have my dad's double odd whatevers hung on walls as art objects - maybe that will help w/my security issues around here.
This has become a nation without law and order and my new fix In life will be gun collecting once COVID is under control. I can't even drive an old, classic, car, down the road without freaks yelling and chasing it or worse - kicking it or breaking off the antenna - trying to scratch it. I if can have a gun wrack installed on the removable, convertible, top, I will. I'm ready to drive a Silverado with a gun rack and maybe feel safe.
Gun shops here all sold out - weeks ago. Lines wrapped around the buildings but maybe supply is better.
Was it true that during the Roaring 20s the ladies had to pack a cute little gun in their garter belts - I heard that from an old timer from Texas. About 40 yrs. ago, I saw the cute little gun she wielded back in her day but I'm doubtful about the Roaring 20s.