Exactly, ^^^, re/the Hydroxychloroquine - it's dispensed like water in third-world countries = minimal COVID 19 cases. Cabbage - sauerkraut/fermented foods, vitamin D, C, Zinc, could help. If sunshine was so great why the high infection rate among the hispanic population and perhaps rates are minimal in the sunbelt - Central Americans spend hours out in the hot, blazing, sun, but they are covered from head to toe for sun protection but sunlight hits their face, tops of their hands/head - thousands of units and daily adds up.
The latest "science," is interesting. Now one is not contagious until they have symptoms; previously, one was most contagious 2 days before they had any symptoms. Everyday new info/Chi Com creation. Most important 3 Ws per Dr. Marc Siegel as of yesterday: Wear mask, wash hands frequently, stay 6 ft. from others - don't recall what wonder 'W' word spouted off but made sense - 60 ft. re/the contagiousness sounds better if one resides in fascist US where many states don't allow Hydroxychloroquine/Chloroquine. What a mess due to political-nazi politicians.
Maybe Bozo Cuomo (NY) will allow HXQ be sold OTC just to encourage life-time NYs to scramble back home or he could close the borders and forbid more mass exodus or of ones the state's dependent on for tax revs. No one wants to die due to political negligence. I know people retired in NV now planning to leave when possible heading to TX/Utah/AZ - too blue/scary here.