Gov't employees nor politicians are expected to work for free -- (that's hilarious!) but how about politicians work and conduct themselves in a fiscally responsible manner on behalf of those they represent. Quite a dichotomy of net worth entering vs. leaving office. Taxpayers paying for all the fraud the politicians (criminal mob/deep state both parties) scheme and create. I realize many are quite proud of these clowns and how they run roughshod over the people. It's radically wrong and I don't care how big of socialist country this is.
I prefer everyone have enough food and adequate housing/education/medical vs. making professional politicians wealthy. Actually, prefer that no matter. Why is it the left donates so minimally - there's quite a huge difference vs. the conservatives re/their generous hearts/charitable orgs. Under the Obama administration school children living on road in tents - fortunate ones living in cars -- families sharing one stuffed backpack from schools via donations - young ones crying on Friday afternoon when time to leave the playground. Yeah - I'll keep referring to the criminal politicians' wealth off the back of the taxpayers - if you don't like it too bad. When you are taxed to point and see the fraud, injustice, then you can complain.
Obama had much to be proud of - what a thug.