US gov't (Biden) needs to flip the WiFi switch on for quick view of the Cuban horrors on its people. Wonder why he won't - right!
Per Senator Rick Scott by turning the internet back on the Castro regime is DONE! They've no cell connections/internet - what a concept for the commies. Dictators isolate/shun like the cult WT. Don't think it can't happen here when threats are being made re/censoring our text messages re/the jabs. Oops - maybe it is in place here pitting the vax'd vs. the unvax'd - political parties/religions, lockdowns making it difficult for communication for facts/reality and the sheeple to uprise. Just the baby steps here, of course.
Left isn't interested in helping the desperate Cuban populace. Cubans are most likely to be conservatives, love the capitalistic system of the US and appreciate its values.
The Cubans have been under one of the most oppressive, evil, systems. They're hungry, have no medication - the Castros pocket several billions off the Americans which does not benefit the citizens. It's horrific.