Vidquin - Yes -- there's ethical medical available to, hopefully, 🤞🏻 remove the spike horror and as you've said, many weren't so lucky and I now of at least a couple who lasted only few wks. after initial jabs. Another ethical source besides McCullough would be Dr. Pierre Kory at FLCC. He treated many high profile individuals including Joe Rogan. I've never known so many people having issues (blood clots, numerous infections to point they could not be prescribed more antibiotics!) after basic knee, (hip-repair issues) surgeries. Healthy folk -- having shingle outbreaks, blood clots, strokes, ticker issues, difficulty breathing, walking -- female issues. Per Geert Vanden Bossche the "vaccinations" have contained/delayed the horror that is ahead w/even the WHO saying there could be another storm.
Everyone is running to get the shingles venom -- 2 injections w/time lapse after the first one to be more effective. Looks like the newest jab will be for malaria since Gates released thousands of 'experimental' mosquitos (FL w/an outbreak in TX but not bad) all to protect us from infectious mosquitos, of course. What could possibly go wrong -- hospitals everywhere have been alerted to have all treatment on hand. Could be more fear porn to sell quackzines.